The start of an uneasy feeling pt. 2

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The next day you had waken up at 6am. You went on a run that last about an hour. By the time you got home Katsuki was still asleep. You took a shower and changed into grey sweats and a sports bra.

You started to make breakfast for yourself and Katsuki. You went to the fridge and pantry to get your supplies for pancakes and eggs with a side of bacon.

"Where were you?"

"AH!" You screamed. You turned to see Katsuki sitting on the other side of the counter holding up his sleepy head with his hand that was propped on the counter. "Jeez! How long where you there?" You asked.

He shrugged and rubbed his eyes. "Where were you?" He asked again. "Went out for a run." You said bluntly. "Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked. "I didn't need to. You need rest." You said in a stern voice.

"Hmm okay." He answered. You grabbed two plates and two glasses as you were finishing the food. You plated each plate and walked them over to the table as Katsuki sat and watched you quietly.

You motioned him to sit as you walked to your side of the table. "Hope you like it." You said before digging in. "How did you sleep?" He asked. You didn't know whether to lie to tell the truth. "Slept good. Just woke up early." You lied.

"Hmm." He hummed. "And you?" You asked not really wanting to continue a conversation. "Slept fine. Still tired." He said. "After you eat you should go back to sleep." You said and he nodded in agreement.

You finished eating and went to the kitchen to place your dishes in the sink. You walked into your room and changed into a simple outfit with a black backpack.

You walked to the door as you started to put on your shoes. You got up and placed your hand on the handle. "I'll be back before 5. There is lunch in the fridge. If you need anything call. Rest... please." You told him before walking out before he could answer.

You grabbed your skateboard off the porch and rode off down the street. You didn't know where you were going. But you knew you had to go somewhere. You went to the skatepark.

You got to the skatepark and fortunately it was empty. You rode around did some tricks and once you got tired you laid down on the floor staring at the clouds. You let out a heavy sigh as you watch the clouds pass slowly.

"I don't know what to do..." You muttered.

You rode back home and walked up to the porch. You opened the door to see Katsuki standing at the door like a mother when you get home after curfew. "Um.. hello?" You said confused.

"It's 6:54." He said. You looked at your phone and sighed. "Yes i'm sorry. I lost track of time." You told him. He crossed him arms and leaned on the counter. "Where were you?" He said.

You started to take off your shoes and walk to your room. "Skatepark. I'm gonna shower then i'll make dinner." You told him not making eye contact with him. "Hmm. Okay." He said before walking to the couch.

You made dinner and you both ate in silence. You took his plate and yours to the kitchen. "Go to bed while I do the dishes." You told him as you started to wash your plate. He looked at you for a moment but complied

Once you finished you silently walked into the room. He seemed as if he was sleeping so you didn't make a sound. You slowly sat on the bed and stared out the window silently crying. You didn't know why but you were.

After an hour you finally laid down and faded away from him. You listened to his breathing as you slowly drifted off into a short sleep.

This went on for weeks. You would wake up, leave the house for hours, come back, eat, and then sleep. Only exchanging a few words. But one day Katsuki had enough of it.

"I'll be back by 5.. if you need anything call." You said putting on your shoes. He stood behind you as he just watched as you were about to leave. You put your hand on the handle but stopped once he spoke.

"Are you cheating on me?"

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