A date... kinda

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The bell rung and you went back to class to get your things and find Katsuki. You ran through the halls until you accidentally bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?" You yelled

You heard a laughed and looked up to see Katsuki. "Don't apologize for stupid shit." He said giving you a smile and stretching out his hand. You smiled at him and took his hand as he helped you up. "I was looking for you." You said.

"You found me." He said. You froze. All of a sudden it was just you and him. A bit of blush crept over your cheeks. "Uh- I- I sure did." You said. "Come on let's go home." You told him. He stayed there for a while watching as you walked

You stopped walking when you noticed he didn't follow. "Are you just gonna stand there porcupine?" You said. He laughed as he jogged till he was next to you. You both walk out of the school on your way home.

"Come over." He told you. "Katsuki I need to wash your clothes and give them back." You told him. "Come over." He said again. You stayed silent for a couple seconds. "You okay?" You asked putting your hand on his forehead

"Tch. I'm fine idiot! Just. Come over. please" He said. You were silent again but after a while you nodded and you both headed over to his house. You got in and yelled "Sorry for the intrusion." He flicked your forehead.

"Shut up." As he walked past you. "Ow! It's called being proper asshole!" You yelled following him into the kitchen. "Want anything?" He said, you shock your head no and he nodded pouring himself a cup of water.

"Let's go." He passed you and went up the stairs. Your mind was filled with questions but you chose to stay quite. You got into his room and he sat on the bed as you sat on his chair infront of his desk.

You both sat in silence as you were trying to figure out why exactly you were at his house. "Wanna go to the mall?" Katsuki asked. You scoffed but his expression didn't change. "your serious?" He nodded. "Yeah it's a date... kinda." He smirked

"I need to shower and change." You said. "Be ready in 30. Leave the door unlocked. If I catch having a concert i'm recording." He said. "shut up!" You said. You left Katsuki's and ran home.

After getting inside you left the door unlocked and went to shower.

After your shower you put on your outfit. You spent over 10 minutes figuring out what to wear but you finally got it. You went with a white long sleeve with a black graphic tee, some baggy light jeans and your jordan's.

After fully getting ready you sat on your bed as you waited for Katsuki to walk through the door

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After fully getting ready you sat on your bed as you waited for Katsuki to walk through the door. You had enough time to pick a bag so you went with a small black purse.

"OI SHIT FACE YOU Ready..." Katsuki walked in and stopped once he saw you turn around to see him. You stopped as well after getting a good look at him.

He wore a black graphic tee with some khaki joggers and jordan's with a chain and rings. "Take a picture it'll last longer." He said snapping you out of your trance. You blushed and turned around.

(OC x Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now