Fever pt.2

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You woke up to an empty bed. You pouted in disappointment and looked at the time.

"2:57 pm"

"Jesus how long did I sleep?" You said to yourself. You were really hot and sweaty. You grabbed a pair of Katsukis shorts and a baggy shirt and decided to take a shower.

When you got out of bed you felt very light headed and fell to the floor. "WHAT HAPPENED!?" Katsuki came running to the room. He noticed you on the floor. "AME WHAT THE HELL?" He picked you up and placed you on the bed.

"I need to shower." You mumbled. "But... my head hurts." You leaned on his shoulder. "Uh... fine how about this. I'll take you to the shower and I'll be out the door I won't close it all the way so if you wanna talk we can." He said

You looks up at him and nodded slowly. "okay." He said. He picked you up bridal style and walked you to the bathroom. You never let go of his clothes so all you needed was a towel.

"I need a towel." You mumbled. "I'll get you one. And after your shower you need to eat then take your medicine" He told you. You nodded and laid your head against his chest. "Thank you." You whispered

He placed you on the toilet and got a towel. "Here. I'll be right out the door if you need ANYTHING i'll come in." He said. You giggled and nodded. He left and closed the door but not all the way.

After your shower you dried yourself off and changed. You wanted to brush your teeth but as soon as your put the brush against your tongue you rushed to the floor and threw up in the toilet.

"Ame!?" Katsuki ran in. He saw you on the floor and held back your hair while rubbing soothing circles on your back. "Ugh. That's disgusting I'm so sorry." You apologized. "Shut up." He said.

After you finished throwing up you washed out your mouth. "Can I eat now?" You asked. He gave you a soft smile and nodded. You walked downstairs and saw a plate of food at the table.

"YOU MADE THIS?" You asked overly excited. "Duh." He scoffed. You sat down and clapped your hands yelling "THANKS FOR THE FOOD!"as you started to dig in. "OI! Slow down!" He yelled

"ITS SO GOOD! THANK YOU SO MUCH" You gave him a beaming smile. He stood in shock for a moment but quickly smiled and watched as you got overly happy over a plate of food.

You finished your food when Katsuki handed you the medicine. "Take it." You looked at the medicine then back at Katsuki. "ew." You said getting up. As soon as you stood up you felt lightheaded again and fell

Before you could hit the group an arm was wrapped around your waist. "Take your medicine before I shove it down your throat idiot." He scolded. "Fine." You took the medicine and almost threw up about who bad it was.

"bleh." You said shaking your head. He laughed at you. "You act like a child sometimes you know that." He told you. You crossed your arms and turned away. "I do not!" You protested. He laughed again and walked up to you

You turned your head back around and noticed how close you actually were. Your noses touched and you felt his breath on your lips. You both had wide eyes but neither one of you moved. You both blushed and quickly moved away after finally snapping out of your trance

"Uh- sorry." He said. "N-no your completely fine." You told him. After a moment of awkward silence Katsuki grabbed your dishes and put them in the sink.

As he finished doing the dishes you came from behind him and tugged his shirt. "C-can you lay with me. I-I'm kinda tired." You told him as you hid your eyes with your hair. "Sure I'll be up in a bit." He said

You smiled to yourself and went to your room. You got comfortable in bed and after a while you finally heard Katsuki walk in. He got in bed and laid next to you. He wrapped an arm around you and snuggled into the back of your neck.

You drifted off into sleep...

After your parents died. You had trouble sleeping. You would toss and turn for hours until you were finally able to get at least 3 hours of sleep.

Today was one of those days. You could never remember if it was nightmare that kept you up. "mm no. No please." You mumbled in your sleep. Katsuki who had been asleep had woken up by your tossing and turning.

He found it concerning and tried to shake you away. "Ame." He whispered. "I'm sorry. No.." You mumbled. A tear fell down the side of your face and Katsuki grabbed you and pulled you into his chest.

"It's okay. I'm here. You're okay." He kept telling you trying to kept you calm. "M-mom." You muttered again. His eyes grew wide. He held you tighter and almost rocked you back to sleep. "I'm here. It's okay" He kept repeating

"Hmm" You slowly opened your eyes to see Katsuki's face covered with concern. "W-whats wrong?" You said rubbing your sleepy eyes. "How come you never told me?" He said. You tilted your head.

"About your sleeping problems." He told you. He voice was more stern this time. You mouthed an 'oh' and started to look everywhere but him. He grabbed your chin and look at you.

"You aren't alone Ame. You could've just told me. I would sleep next to you everyday if I had to." He said giving you a hug. "I- okay.." You whispered. A tear fell down your cheek and you held him tighter.

"It's 5 am. Go shower and get ready for school." He said patting your back. "WHAT!" You yelled. "How long did I sleep for?" You asked. "Many MANY hours." He laughed.

"Jesus I'm so sorry I kept you here and you missed a day and I kept you up-" You we're cut off but another laugh. "WHATS SO FUNNY!?" You yelled. "You are. You don't need to worry. I'm glad I was able to take care of you." He gave you a smile and you felt your body relax

"I'm gonna go get ready I'll be back in a few. If you need anything call." He said. He stood up and walked out the room giving you a smile before closing the door.

'What am I gonna do with you Katsuki.' You fell back down on the bed as you remembered the last day you spent with Katsuki. You squealed in excitement as you jumped out of bed.

You went to your phone and played your favorite playlist. You were blasting music as you shower and got dressed.


You had finished dressing and you were doing your hair putting it in a low messy bun.


You jumped in fear when you saw Katsuki at your door with a wide grin on his face. "KNOCK!" You yelled. He fell to the floor in laughter. "OH MY GOD! I was enjoy the concert come one gimme another song!" He said

You rolled your eyes and walked past him down the stairs. "Hey porcupine stop laughing and come down!" You yelled from the kitchen. "STOP FUCKING CALLING ME THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He yelled and you scoffed.

"Here have a waffle!" You handed him a plate with waffles and syrup. "These store bought?" He gave you a smug look. "Listen here mr spiky eat or don't eat I don't care." You said shoving a waffle in your mouth.

He rolled his eyes and ate with you. you both finished and walked out the door and on the way to school.

(OC x Katsuki Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now