The start of an uneasy feeling

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Katsuki woke up to bright white walls. He felt like he had been asleep for years. He adjusted to the bright setting and looked around questioning where he was and why he was there.

He looked over to see you asleep with your hand in his. He smiled to himself. He interlocked your fingers and looked back up to the ceiling. In that moment the night before came back to him.

His eyes grew. He remembered pulling you behind him and feeling a sharp pain in his abdomen. He remembered you crying over him begging him to stay awake. He remembered waking up in an ambulance and seeing you crying in a seat.

He remembered behind rushes into a hospital. Then, silence. A long silence. Until now, now he heard his heart monitor constantly reminding him that his heart was beating. He heard nurses and doctors talking from outside the room.

He let go of your hand and placed it on your head. You woke up from the loss of warmth in your hand. It took you a couple minutes to realize you were still at the hospital. You never lifted your head.

Katsuki watched silently as you grunted in annoyance. You moved your head to check on him when you saw him. He was smiling at you. Katsuki was awake. He was alive. He was smiling... at you.

You jumped up and pulled his head to your chest. You let out a shaky breath. "Y-you.." You let go to get a good look at him. "YOU IDIOT!" You smacked his head. "WHAT!?" He rubbed the place where you hit him.

You started to cry. You jumped into his arms. "You idiot..." You quietly cried into his neck. He wrapped his arms around you and snuggled into your hair. "I'm sorry." He whispered. You stayed like that for a while until you finally let go to just look at him.

"Y-you..." You looked down in defeat. You wanted to tell him about the situation... about how you saw him die... how he died for 4 minutes... but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. He lifted your hand but you chin and asked you what was wrong.

"I'm so glad your okay." You gave him a big eye shut smile as you cried. He kissed your forehead and you held his hand. "Can I have some water?" He asked. "O-Oh Yeah of course sorry!" You rushed out the room to get ice chips and water.

After you came back. The doctor came in and he told you that Katsuki would be able to go home by the afternoon after a couple of tests.

"Fucking Finally!" He yelled as he took off his shoes at the door. "What ever happened to that ASSHAT that was here?" He asked. "Oh they got him and we got our stuff back." You told him.

"Go sit down i'll make dinner." You told him. "I can help." He suggested. "You rest i'll do it." You said. He  sighed as he walked to the couch. You made dinner and you both ate. He went to shower as you did the dishes.

The memory of his body going limp in your hands and you both were covered in blood didn't like your mind. Once he came back he wrapped his arms around you. You placed a hand over his and very softly went to check his pulse.

You didn't know why you did it but you felt the need too. "Everything okay? You didn't seem alright." He asked. You nodded but didn't say a word. You got out of his hold and walked into the room.

You stopped at the door to look over your shoulder. You saw how unsure and confused he was. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Welcome home." You gave him a small smiled and closed the door.

Once you changed and got into bed you laid on your side facing away from the door. You stared out the window for a while as the previous couple of night replayed in your head. You heard the door open and you shut your eyes.

You felt the bed dip when he lauded next to you. He looked over to see if you were asleep. He kissed your cheek and wrapped and arm around you as he nuzzled into your neck. "Love you." He whispered before going to bed.

You opened your eyes and stayed still. Listening to him breath. Trying to feel his heart beat from the closeness of you two. You were almost too scared to sleep. It wasn't until 5 am you went to sleep.

You woke up at 6.

(OC x Katsuki Bakugo)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora