Time apart

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The following Monday you went back to school. You woke up pretty late. "Shit I have 10 minutes!" You yelled. You rushed brushing your teeth and getting changed. You didn't even have breakfast. You rushed out the house and practically ran to school. By yourself.

You got to school 5 minutes late. You opened the door to see everyone sitting and everyone had their eyes on you. "S-sorry i'm late." You said at the door. "Don't let it happen again." Mr. Aizawa told you. You nodded and rushed to your seat.

Katsuki didn't say a word. Didn't even look your way. He kept his eyes on his desk. You chose not to say anything since it was your idea for the "break.". You took out your notebook and started writing notes.


When the bell rang for lunch Katsuki was the first to leave. You noticed and let out a heavy sigh as you stayed in your seat. "Hey girl! You okay?" Mina came up to you. You put on a smile and nodded. "Yup everything's fine." She raised an eyebrow and sat at Katsuki's chair facing you

"You and Bakugou okay?" She asked. You sighed and looked up at her. "We will be okay..." You whispered. You shifted your gaze to the window. "You sure. Kirishima told me that he isn't doing the best. Something happen?" She asked

You didn't look at her. "Everything is fine." You said in a more stern tone. She knew that you needed someone to talk to... she knew that you were okay. "You sure cause when Kiri told me about Bakugou it seemed like he was horrible.." She pushed

"It's fine." You said again balling up a fist under the table. You knew that she wanted to help but you couldn't help but wanting to shut everyone out. "Ame. You're crying." She said. You looked at her and touched your face.

You felt your cheeks wet and wiped your eyes. "We are on a break." You admitted. She didn't say a word as he was waiting for you to explain. You told her that you guys got into a heated argument and needed a break form each other. You told her about the conversation you had with his mom also.

Once you were done you didn't notice but you were crying. She got off the chair and hugged you. "I'm sure it gonna be okay Ame." She told you. She knew what Katsuki had done and realized that you left it out of the story. She knew since Katsuki told Kirishima.

"You love him right?" She asked. You sniffled and nodded. "Okay then... then it'll be okay." She reassured you. You nodded and got up to go to the bathroom. You walked to the bathroom and washed your face. Once you were done you walked back to class to see it was empty.

You took the opportunity to take a nap. Soon the class started to fill. The first one there was Katsuki. He froze once he walked in and saw you there. He noticed you didn't move and slowly walked to your desk. He looked over to see you sleeping.

His smiled faded when he saw that your eyes were red and puffy. He softly kissed your head and sat in his seat. Once more people started to walk in he hit your desk which woke you up. You were startled but when you woke up you saw the whole class in their seats talking amongst themselves.


After school ended you were the last to leave. Mina decided that she would walk home with you since she didn't want you walking alone. You talked about how you were feeling with Katsuki and the break. She didn't think that a break would help you but she wasn't in the position to say that.

She wanted you to be happy and she knew that's was Katsuki. "How long is this break gonna be for?" She asked. Your eyes grew. You didn't know what to say. You yourself didn't know the answer to that question. "I-I don't know." You said.

Before you knew it you had reached your porch. "Thanks for walking me. I'll see you tomorrow." She gave you a hug and set off. You walked inside and yelled "I'm home!" You quietly realized what you had done and laughed at yourself.

You went upstairs to change and do homework. After homework you changed into some workout clothes and went down to the basement. You didn't stretch or do weights you went straight to the punching bag.

You hit the bag over and over as your head was filled with thoughts of Katsuki and Camie. It made you furious. You kept punching and punching the bag. More thoughts of Camie over Katsuki got you angrier. You let out a last punch with a yell

You hit the bag and it broke. Sand spilled to the floor. "Shit." You muttered. You unhooked the bag from the chain and threw it over your shoulder and walked up to the first floor and out to the front lawn.

You threw the bag in the garbage can and walked back in. Katsuki was upstairs in his room looking out his window when he saw you from the corner of his eye. He watched you as you threw out a broken punching bag.

He saw how your knuckles looked red. "She wasn't wearing gloves huh?" he said to himself as you walked back inside.

You walked back inside and poured yourself a glass of water. You sat on the couch and scrolled through social media. You were on instagram when a picture of Mina and Kirishima popped up. They were sitting on the bed and Kiri was kissing Mina on the cheek.

You smiled to yourself. Seeing them happy made you happy. Then you went to your photos and scrolled through the photos you and Katsuki took. You saw your favorite one.

You and Katsuki were at the skatepark at night. You were laying in his lap with a can of arizona in your hand and he was sitting up straight with a can of red bull in his hand. You were have your middle fingers up and you were smiling

You loved the photo. You loved the moments you spent with him. The ones you could capture where the best. You loved him.

You missed him.

(OC x Katsuki Bakugo)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz