The arguement pt. 2

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The next morning it was a Saturday so you stayed asleep until 11:45 am. You woke up to your a knock at your door. You got off the couch and slowly walked to the door rubbing your eyes. You opened the door to see Mitsuki. Katsuki's mom.

"Auntie Mitsuki..." You said looking at her with question. She jumped at you and gave you a tight bear hug. "I'm so sorry baby!" She yelled hugging you tighter. You patted her back. "I-I can't breathe." You told her

"I'm so sorry!" She let go. She wiped your face and cupped your cheeks. "How are you? Can I come in?" She asked. "Of course!" You said moving out of the way to let her in. "I slept on the couch so let me move my pillow and stuff" You told her.

"It's okay baby just sit." She said. You nodded and sat on the couch. "Talk to me. How are you feeling." She said. You let out a breath and started to fidget with your hands. "Not good..." You said as tears started to build up in your eyes.

"I love him... so much. And when I saw them... saw her on him... I-it hurt so much.." You said in between hiccups. She sat next to you and pulled you into a hug. You fell into her arms and crying in her arms. "I'm so sorry baby. I already set him straight. I'm so sorry."

She told you as she slowly pet your head. "D-did he say anything..." You whispered as you slowly let go. You were beyond upset. But you didn't want to lose him. She gave you a soft smile. "He yelled at me. told me how bad he messed up and he even cried in my arms for hours. He stayed in his room and cried for a long time. He hasn't left the room since. He doesn't know i'm here." She said

You felt happy for some reason. Happy that he cared. "Can we talk for a bit." You quietly asked as you hung your head low. She brushed your hair out of your face and nodded. You smiled and hugged her again.


After talking and crying for hours Mitsuki left the house. Once she left you didn't know how to feel. You were upset. But you knew that you couldn't leave him. You just needed... time.

How much time? You didn't even know the answer to that. All you knew was that you weren't okay. You upstairs to shower and change into some comfy clothes.

Once you got dressed you decided you were gonna get out of the house. You put on your vans and go your skateboard. You opened the door to see Katsuki walking to his house. He hand grey sweat pants on with a black hoodie with his hood over his head and vans.

His head hung low but he raised his head once he heard your door shut. You stood there staring at him as he stood across the street. You kept telling yourself to move but your body wouldn't listen to you. Instead you both stood there. Looking at the other like it was the first time.

You snapped out of your trance and quickly hopped on your skateboard. You put on some ear buds and blasted music before setting off to the grocery store. Katsuki watched your every move until you were out of sight.

He let out a sigh and walked into his home. You shrug off the pit in your stomach but it just wouldn't go away. Once you got to the grocery store you did your shopping and went back home.

After you arrived home you put away your groceries and sat on the couch. After sitting on the couch and staring at the ceiling for an a hour you got up and walked out of your house. "I need to talk to him." You said to yourself

You went next door and walked up to the porch. You were about to knock but stopped yourself. You took a deep breath and knocked twice. Mitsuki opened the door with a surprised look. "Hi sweetie!" She said.

"Hi auntie... is he?" You asked. He gave you a smile and nodded. "Upstairs. go on." She told you. You nodded and walked in the house. "Thank you." You told her before slowly walking upstairs. You got to his door and stopped yourself from knocking again.

After a long minute you knocked. "I'm not hungry mom." You heard a mumble from the inside of the room. "I haven't even asked anything yet." You said from your side of the door. In seconds the door bursted open. "Ame..." He whispered.

You gave him a small smile and said "Can we talk." He swallowed and nodded slowly. "Come in." He opened his door wider. His room was a mess. It was like a tornado had happened. You sat down on the bed and he sat the chair infront of it.

You swallowed the lump in your throat and began to talk. "Please... tell me everything." You asked. He did exactly that. He told you how Camie was going to lie and hurt you if he hadn't done anything with her. So he decided to kiss her. He told you how he hated it.

You listened to everything he said not wanting to interrupt him. At the end of his explanation you let out a heavy exhale. "Thank you." You said and he nodded. You could tell he was holding off the erg of something but you didn't know what.

"I love you... and i'm so sorry." He whispered hanging his head low. You told him. "Can... can you just give me time... to think about stuff... like a break." You asked

"Y-yeah... of course." He said. You nodded and got up to leave. He grabbed your arm once you reached the door. You stopped and looked back at him. "P-please... don't leave me..." He whispered.

You knew he was crying. Your heart broke seeing him like this. But you knew that time was what you both needed. You walked up to him and cupped his cheeks. You gave him a soft and quick kiss on his forehead that caused him to tense.

"Promise." You whispered before walking out of the room. And with that you have Auntie and Uncle a hug goodbye. He sat against the bed room door as he cried. "I'll wait for you." He told himself.

With that you both went to sleep after a very long night.

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