Chapter 4.

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Hi everyone! I finally get to update! It's been a long time not being on here and not publishing anything! I'm so sorry about that, but i have time to update, and i have a bunch of ideas for this story and it'll be amazing! I hope i get to finish this before summer starts again. And thanks for supporting me and Not Just You! Thanks for the 7,000 reads on Not Just You, it makes me feel special when i see those numbers, and i hope i see those on this story too!:)

Enjoy reading! Next update will be up asap!:)


(Lindsay’s POV)

After that one plastic chick threw down her coffee down my head, I changed my shirt, pants, and other stuff.

Alexis and Kiyoko let me borrow their clothes so I don’t stay in coffee or even smell like coffee.

I wish Cody was here right now, he can fix anything. But the problem is, what if the people at my new school take him away? Especially the girls who like him.

“I can’t believe that one girl would do such a thing to you like that!” exclaims Salem walking out of the bathroom first and looking at the crowd of people.

“Hey at least she’s changed into different clothes, like how my sister says, always pack extra clothes just in case somethin happens.” Replies Alexis stroking my back and smiling warmly.

“Thanks for letting me lend your guys’ clothes, are you sure you don’t want them back?” I asked.

“Go ahead and keep them! I have a ton of clothes, besides they look so cute on you!” squeals Alexis smiling.

“You look so cute in them!” chimes in Brooke smiling big and fixing my beanie.

“Awh thanks girls,” I say looking at my new friends.

I think I will have a good school year, but what about my new movie role I just landed? What will happen to me now? Just transfer out for a while and then transfer back in? I don’t know, they say that the person who directed ‘Another Cinderella Story’ with Selena Gomez.

I hope my movie role goes just the way I as imagined. But the problem is I have to do a kissing scene. I took a sneak peek at the script and I have to kiss THE AUSTIN MAHONE!

He’s the actual Austin Mahone! I wonder what Cody’s going to say, because we don’t start filming around December and we finish filming around March. I hope he doesn’t mind.

“Haha, it’s the girl who got coffee all over her,” says the snotty chick tossing her blonde hair and licking a lollipop.

“I hope your tongue bleeds when you’re licking that,” I say while we walk past by her and her clique.

“LOL! Like that would happen.” She says licking the lollipop. Kylie licked the lollipop a little too hard and fast causing a small cut on her tongue making it bleed.

“Eeep! A cut on my tongue!” she squeals running to the bathroom quickly.

“At least you told that to Kylie.” Says Brooke linking arms onto mine.

“Ugh, you know me, I can’t handle mean girls.” I reply shrugging my shoulders and rolling my eyes.

We just laughed and just walked to class as soon as the bell rang.

“Morning girls,” exclaims our English teacher smiling really big.

We take our seats and just started chatting with other people until a few guys decided to hit on me. To be honest these guys looked like players.

Gotta Get Out * SEQUEL TO NOT JUST YOU *Where stories live. Discover now