Chapter 2.

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(Cody’s POV)

Just chilling on the tour bus while traveling to my first stop of this tour, and it’s a long trip, we aren’t going to be at our first city around 6 and its noon, while it’s still like eleven back in LA.

I really want to call Lindsay now, but she’s still in class learning about what she needs in her classes, I bet it’s boring for her, and this trip is boring without her, I wish she could see all the lights and all of the cities that we are going too. But she has class and it goes first before her famous life. She becomes a normal teenager who goes to school and has friends, but on the weekends, school breaks and on Fridays, she becomes a different person. Fans screaming and chasing her. Being a paparazzi victim every time she goes somewhere, and getting the hate.

That’s the day of the celebrity.

“I seriously wish that Lindsay was here instead of her going to school, I wish it was summer!” exclaims Alli plopping down on the couch and her eyes glued to her iPhone.

“I know how you feel, being here without Lindsay is a whole different thing, everything is quiet and boring, but when she’s around its loud and entertaining,” I reply back turning on my MacBook.

“Doesn’t Lindsay carry her laptop around all the time? Even in her classes? Cause she told me that they are allowed to use their laptops in their classes,” suggested Alli.

“You’re right! Maybe she’s online for Skype! Do you think she’ll get in trouble for that?” I asked.

Alli shrugged her shoulders and sat next to me while I logged on to Skype.

My phone vibrated, it must be Lindsay texting me about her laptop.

Lindsay: hey(: my laptop is on, we could use them but if I turned the sound down, I can probably Skype during class;)

“haha! I knew she could use her laptop!” exclaims Alli playfully punching me.

Me: r u in class?

Lindsay: no, I’m in the bathroom! Lol! just barely, the teacher just left, my laptop’s on, and my skype’s on, you know my Skype thing right?

Me: haha yeah, I do, okay, put your phone away before you get it taken away;)

Lindsay: mkay, see you on Skype in a few…

I logged on to Skype and see Lindsay online.

I clicked on the call button. I hope she doesn’t get in trouble for this and her sound is off so no one can hear me calling.

After the first ring, she answered. She was smiling once again, and I want her to be like that whenever we Skype. She gave a small wave so no one can see her what she is doing.

The thing that we could do was type to each other, I couldn’t talk because my sound is on and hers is off.

Me: what class are you in?

Lindsay: math class bleh;)

Me: hey, you could use some help;)

Lindsay: maybe I need a hot tutor to help me with the difficulties I have with math;)

Me: hmm, and who would that ‘hot tutor’ be?;)

Lindsay: Lol! You! You’re my boyfriend and you’re the hot tutor..;)

Me: hmm, that is right, you do have a hot tutor and boyfriend which is me, hey when your there, think me;)

Lindsay: haha I always will, I know there are a ton of cute guys, but I don’t seem interested in them, you are the one, but what if they hit on me?

Gotta Get Out * SEQUEL TO NOT JUST YOU *Where stories live. Discover now