Chapter 19.

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A/N: Okay, i just have to say. Thank you so so much for 24,000 reads! I couldn't be any happier! Thank you guys so much! And i know the title isn't exactly what it says in this chapter, but since it's Christmas time and there's mistletoe, might as well add a few pecks here and there ;)


But anyways, i am so sorry if i am updating really slow because i ended up being on writers block for a couple of weeks and couldn't think of anything! I'm sorry! But once again, i hope you enjoy reading! :)


(December 25)

I woke up to the smell of fresh baked cookies and peppermint from the kitchen. I look over at my alarm clock and smiled. My parents always have their camera on and wake up earlier than I do. I jumped out of bed to go outside in the living room.

“Merry Christmas sunshine!”  exclaims dad pointing the camera towards me and smiling really big.

“Merry Christmas to you too!” I replied smiling big at his camera. I hugged both of my parents and looked under our Christmas tree. Hmm, they must have made a lot of moolah this year. I didn’t ask that much this year because I have everything. My parents, my friends, all that jazz.

“Can I open up my presents?!” I begged still smiling really big.

“Yeah! Go for it! Mama bear! Lindsay is opening her presents!” dad said pointing the camera towards mom. She nodded her head and smiled. Dad placed the camera on the tri-pod while I was looking for a present to open.

I took out a small present that was in front of me and started ripping the paper off of it. There was another iTunes gift card along with a piece of paper with my dad’s fancy handwriting.

‘You’re probably gonna need this for a 17 hour flight on a plane.;)’

My parents are up to something, and I know it.

I opened a few more presents and I received a new pair of boots, a cropped leather jacket I couldn’t afford myself, and a new Coach handbag that I was spying on this whole month. My parents are definitely up to something once again.

Funny thing, my dad gave me a I <3 Cody Simpson handbag and it made me laugh.

“Haha, very funny dad.” I say putting the bag on the couch with all of my other gifts. They were mostly new accessories, clothes, and stuff I couldn’t afford with my own money. My parents gave me one last present before they started to open theirs.

They handed me a small slender box, and once I opened it there were four plane tickets, a small picture of London and Paris, and a small note with my mom’s handwriting.

‘Sweetie, since you’ve always wanted us to spend more time with each other, we decided that you, Cody, Alli , and Carter will be visiting Europe. France, London whatever you name it! Your dad and I, along with their parents, Uncle Marvin and Aunt Jessie are heading off to the Bahamas. The flight leaves right after the game, well not exactly but you get the whole point. So after we go and watch the game tonight we’re off! Have fun sweetie! We love you lots! ‘

“There’s no way you booked me a flight to Europe.” I say with an excited expression on my face and re-reading the note one more time.

“Yup!” my parents both said happily. I got up and hugged them both while thanking them at the same time.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!” I exclaim kissing both of them on the cheek. My parents are heading off to a hot place while they’re sending me off to see snow? I don’t care! At least I’ll be having the winter break with Cody, Carter, and Alli!

Gotta Get Out * SEQUEL TO NOT JUST YOU *Where stories live. Discover now