Chapter 1.

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He tilted my chin and we both locked eyes.

“Look, all of these rumors going on about me cheating on you aren’t real; I would never do such a thing to you like that. That’s crazy; I seriously hate it when people spread all of these rumors about me. It bugs me and it drives me insane. That girl was the one who kissed me. I was telling her all of these things to knock it off because she was telling me things how we aren’t a good couple, we don’t know what forever is, and you’re not pretty enough for me. You’re good enough and I want you to be happy again I hate seeing you become sad and crying.” He says to me as he presses his forehead against mine.

“Cody, I’m sorry I didn’t know that, I’m sorry, I-I-I” my words were slurring and I was blabbing like an insane person and choking on my words.

I was interrupted by Cody’s soft lips pressing against mine like he used to when we were dating.

A horn pumps really loudly making us both jump.

As soon as our lips finished touching he took his thumb and gently wiped the tears from my face.

“I’m sorry Cody,” I finally say burying my head into his chest.

“So we’re back on again like old times?” asked Cody tucking in a strand of my hair and smiling slightly.

I nod my head and smile again.

The horn pumps again, I’m guessing it was his tour bus that needed him.

“I have to go angel, my bus is waiting,” he says turning around.

“I want you to stay but you can’t I wish you can stay longer and I have school too,” I added sighing deeply.

“I promise angel, we’ll be together again, during the holidays, the most special holiday is Christmas and I can’t wait to spend Christmas with you,” he says hugging me and kissing me once more.

“Okay, love you so much,” I say hugging him more.

“Love you too angel, I’m gonna let you go now, you have school to catch up too,” he says resting his chin on top of my head.

We both pulled away and kissed once more before heading our separate ways. I go to school and he goes to his big tour

He walks away and hops inside his tour bus, the bus leaves and I’m in happy tears again. Looks like I’m going to school again. Can I try to fit in for once again? And not be picked on?

I’m finally happy again, but the problem is, he’s thousands of miles away and I’m still in LA for school, I just want him to stay longer, because of his schedule, I don’t have time to call him. He has rehearsals, concerts, interviews. Everything. I don’t think I even have time to text him because of my new school schedule. I signed up for honors classes and it’s gonna be a pain.

Even though he is going to be thousands of miles away.

I know he’ll be thinking about me and our fun memories together.

Thousands of miles away, we’re both in each other hearts and still thinking about each other and what we’re going to do when we reunite once more.

Finally, everything is back to the way it is. Me happy again, not left in the dirt, no more screaming paparazzi or flashes, anything.

Everything is back to normal and to the way it is before I came here. I’m happy how things worked out for me and Cody. We’re both happy again but we’re just thousands of miles apart from each other making it hard to connect because of the time changes.

Gotta Get Out * SEQUEL TO NOT JUST YOU *Where stories live. Discover now