Chapter 7.

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Hi guys! Finally! An updated chapter! I'm sorry i haven't been able to update everything I try too but then end up not doing it. I'm a slacker, i'm sorry guys!


(Lindsay’s POV)

As I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing at 2:3o in the morning, I groaned quietly, lifted myself up and got my phone that was charging on the bedside table.

I looked at the caller ID. I squinted and looked at it closely.

Why was Alexis calling me at this time while I’m sleeping in Cody’s arms?

“Hello?” I asked groggily and yawing

“Lindsay! You have to turn on the TV right now! I don’t care if you’re sleeping in Cody’s arms, you have to turn on the TV!” she says. I can tell she is curious and I can hear my other friends in the background.

“Ugh fine. I hope this is something important.” I reply getting up and slowly tip-toeing out of Cody’s arms and about to search for the TV remote.

I turn on the TV and see the highlights of new celeb gossip.

My jaw slowly dropped and I gasped a little when I saw the title.

“CODY AND LINDSAY STOPPING BY AT A HOTEL TO HAVE “FUN”?!” There’s no way people can already find this un-true stuff that fast.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I say rolling my eyes and turning up the volume just a bit.

“See?! You guys aren’t doing that kind of stuff are you?” asked Alexis being her curious self.

“Um, no, I wouldn’t do that neither would he, and I’m just staying here for the night. And how do these people get this gossip so fast?” I reply.

“Mmh, babe?” mumbles Cody while turning to face the other side of the bed. I turned my head to see if sleeping Cody was still sleeping.

“I have to call you back tomorrow morning, Cody is gonna freak if he doesn’t see me sleeping by him.”

“Mkay, sleep tight girlie! Don’t forget about tomorrow, the concert and your surprise.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget.”

As soon as I hung up from the phone, I slowly walked back towards the bed to fall asleep again, but it was impossible. If this keeps going I’m gonna have a pissy mood by the time December gets here.

“Babe?” asked Cody as he softly tapped my shoulder.

“Hmm?” I replied.

“Are you okay? I heard you sniffling a little bit.”

I sat up from the bed and looked at Cody who was still lying down on the bed looking at me with curiosity in his eyes.

“Do you remember the time when the first rumor about us came out all over LA and the whole world?” I asked him.

Cody nodded his head and smiled slightly.

“That’s about to change.”

He gave a confused look on his face and sat up, he pulled me closer to him and locked his eyes with mine. Gah, I hate it when he does that.

“Um, the people are saying that we’re ‘having fun’ at your hotel room because apparently a few paps saw us go into the hotel and some of them saw us go into your room and they say that one Paparazzi was in the room right next to yours and heard us through the walls.” I explained sighing.

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