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(Lindsay’s POV)

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come along?” asked Austin before I exited his condo to go to the beach.

“I’m sure. Thanks Austin.” I replied shutting the door behind me. I walk towards the elevator and towards beach to clear things up.

Feeling the warm sand and watching the sunset calmed my nerves down and almost cleared everything out of my head until a few flashes came from a bush. But I didn’t care about anything.

“I think you’re gonna need someone by your side.” Said Austin from behind me, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

“Maybe, I should’ve told you that you could’ve come.” I replied sighing deeply and looking down at my hand.

Austin looked down and blushed; he removed his hands from mine and nervously laughed.

“Sorry,” he said.

“No, it’s okay.” I said blushing a little and smiling. I kind of like the feeling where Austin is actually holding my hand in real life, not in the movie.

We watched the sunset together and Austin even wrapped his arm around my shoulders to make ourselves more comfy. But this feeling is a lot different, Austin is a whole different person, has a different personality, and maybe a different kind of Cody?

“We should go back inside. The paparazzi come out at this time to get snapshots of me.” Austin added looking around to see if there is anyone taking pictures of the two of us.

“I agree, I hate it when the paparazzi attack at night.” I added following Austin behind, our hands still intertwined when we ran back towards the condos.

The two of us went towards the elevators and just stood there until we got to the level where Austin lives. Still hand-in-hand, he opened the door, and there was Robert with Alex playing an intense game of Call of Duty.

“Oh, hey guys. Didn’t see you there. Paparazzi out already?” asked Alex pausing the game while walking towards us.

“Yeah. Saw flashes and they might’ve caught us together,” added Austin shrugging his shoulders.

“Wait, you guys aren’t dating now? Are you?” Robert said looking down at our hands that are still connected to each other’s.

We both blushed and let go.

“Maybeeeee.” Austin said turning towards me and winking. Wait, we are dating? I simply can’t be dating anyone else after a breakup!  But I can’t be dating another person after what I’ve been through!

But what if Cody realizes I’m not the one he’s looking for or he’s officially done with me? Then, I’ll just stick with Austin then if things don’t work out. After months of dating, and bam. There goes another promise.

My cell phone was buzzing in my pocket and I reach inside to grab it before it stopped ringing. My mom is calling, oh crap. I’m guessing she’s checking on me to see if I’m okay? Yes.

I excused myself and walked inside my guest room.

“Hello?” I asked. Hoping she wouldn’t be mad at me because I flew halfway across the globe by myself without anyone else.

“Lindsay! Oh thank goodness you answered your phone, where in the world are you?” she exclaims the tone of her voice changing to worried.

“Okay, I know you’re mad at me for flooding Europe and-“

“Mad? Why would I be mad when your dad and I are worried! Dad called Carter and he said you weren’t at their hotel or in Europe. Please tell me you’re safe at someone’s house we know.”

“Mom, I’m in Miami with Austin. Yeah, the same guy I had to kiss. And have you checked TMZ or any of those shows with me on it?”

“No, why?”

“You might want to check, because there’s one hint why I fled Paris.”

“I’ll look at that later, what I need to know right now if you’re doing okay and tell me why you fled off because sometimes I don’t believe TMZ.”

“Um, when we we’re in Paris, Carter said that we’re going to some party, drinks got spiked, walked out of the bathroom and there was Cody sucking faces with another girl. I thought he promised that it wouldn’t happen again mom. Now what am I going to do? Austin just told his friends that we might be dating and I don’t want to be the girl who breaks up with her boyfriend one day, then get another the next. It’s going to make me look ridiculous in front of everyone.” I say walking towards the balcony.

“Honey, you’ve been through this before. Take a breather and think about it. Maybe keep it a secret or something? There are so many people making up rumors about you and I’ve seen it before.” Added mom.

“I think I can do something, because Gordo, the hairstylist told me that Austin has feelings for me and I think I have the same for him too.”

The same feelings I had for Cody.

“Wait, did he actually say that?”

“Yes mom. Gordo and Austin actually said those words, what do I say now?”

“Just be yourself hon, you’ve done that before with Cody right? And I’m pretty sure you can do it with Austin. But if you’re not ready for a brand new relationship then that’s fine too, just think about it Linds. No matter how much hate people send you just keep smiling big.”

“Thanks mom. So what are you going to do now since I ruined our Christmas vacation?”

“We’ll probably go to Orlando once again to pick you up. Does Cody even know you’re in Miami?”

“No, they don’t know. Carter knows just not Cody or Alli, I don’t want to tell him or else he’ll find me and ask to put things back together when things are already falling apart, I just don’t know what’s right or wrong.”

“You’ll figure out what’s right and wrong, but you have to choose what the exact right thing to do. Either forgive Cody, or be with Austin.”

“Okay, I’ll try. I’m going to go now mom, I’ll talk to you later. Love you.” I said before hanging up my phone.

“Love you too.” was all my mom said. I hang up, and sighed in frustration.

I don’t even know what to do right now. I hate dealing with drama it sucks really bad and what should I even do? 

Gotta Get Out * SEQUEL TO NOT JUST YOU *Where stories live. Discover now