Chapter 17.

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(December 23rd… Lindsay’s POV)

Since everyone didn’t have anything else to do because everyone was off of work due to the holiday season my parents and I did a late decorating. We procrastinated a little and we’ve done that so many times back in Chicago.

“Knock knock!” calls out a familiar voice while knocking the door.

“I’ll get it!” I exclaim while watching the game that was going on. The only thing I probably wanted was to go and see a Laker game exactly on Christmas Day, that’s what I wanted to see this year.

I opened up the door and I see the Cody, Alli, Tom and their parents.

“Hi Lindsay!” exclaims Mrs. Simpson smiling really big.

“Hi everyone! Please come in! My mom just baked a ton of stuff today, please come in!” I reply smiling and letting everyone in. I shut the door behind me and just can’t stop smiling. I see my parents hug Cody’s parents and before leaving the door another knock came in.

I opened it and see Cody rushing and his face was red like he was out of breath.

“Sorry I was late. But Merry Early Christmas and happy anniversary.” Says Cody pulling a something from his pocket and grinning a cute smile. He pulled out a familiar looking plant and raised it above the middle of us.

“Looks like one of us has to be underneath the mistletoe.” He adds winking.

I giggled and stepped in front of it.

“Looks like you’re the one who has to kiss me because I’m underneath.” I replied winking and smirking.

He crashed his lips against mine and forgetting that the parents, Tom and Alli were here. Dad cleared his throat and we disconnected really fast and our faces were probably red, according to Alli’s expressions she could tell that we were really embarrassed.

“I was thinking. On Christmas Day we could all see a Laker game?” asked dad as he put up the Christmas lights around the living room.

“That sounds like a good idea! But Bryan, don’t you think you’re paying too much?” replied Mr. Simpson as he had a concerned look on his face.

“We’re all good Brad! I paid for everything, the seats are front and center.” Added dad smiling really big.

“You got tickets to see the Lakers play?! Who are they playing on Christmas?” I exclaim grinning really big and excitedly.

“Should be a really good one so your mom picked out the Miami Heat and your uncle, aunt and Carter are coming along but Carter doesn’t know about this yet. So we’re going to surprise him.” Replied dad still smiling. I jumped up and down and ran to thank my parents.

“Hey Alli! I have to show you something in my room real quick. Cody has to stay here and help out with my parents.” I say walking over to Alli and smirking at Cody.

“Awe! Why?” Cody whined and giving a pouty face.

“I have to talk to her and show her something special.” I reply smirking again and leading Alli.

The two of us left the living room and went upstairs to my room I shut the door and locked it so Cody wouldn’t come in.

“What did you want to show me?” asked Alli smiling and sitting on my bed.

Gotta Get Out * SEQUEL TO NOT JUST YOU *Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя