Let The Games Begin (1/?)

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"Well now, that was quite the show" Marble chimed in amusement, the entire room was filled with countless bodies all over the floor. "There were 10,000 and now only about half of you remain. Not only that, people in the real world are crying and begging for forgiveness even though they killed their loved ones, how pathetic I must say. But now let's get these corpses out of the way, shall we?"

Suddenly the bodies all around exploded, mini remains of them falling to the floor. Kyo winced as some blood got on his cheek but he wiped it off.

"The beginning act has come to an end, I think it's time we began our first game." Marble put his hands together and a screen popped up with three stands on a stage, one with a thumbs up, the other with a thumbs down and in the back was a stand with a slot in the center.

"Allow me to introduce the Like and Dislike Game!" He chuckled, "when scrolling through the internet you always see things that spark a certain feeling within you, you either like it or you don't, right~? The rules are simple, in the middle stand you will place your phone in it, the machine will then take a random photo you have and put it on display."

The screen showed a graph of a like and dislike ratio.

"Once the photo is shown, you have a few seconds to predict if the people in the real world will like it or not. If your prediction is correct you pass! But if you are wrong then I'm afraid it will be game over."

"This game doesn't seem too bad for a first round" Kyo said to himself. "A game like this is pure suggestion, fully opinion based."

"Yeah! I know right?" A person responded to his out loud thoughts.

Kyo turned to see a girl who looked to be around his age, standing before him. She had white skin and a small stature and neck-length dark green hair parted in the middle and blue eyes.

She wore black rectangular framed glasses and a school girl’s uniform. A black button up adorned with a yellow tie under a white zip up hoodie. The shirt is tucked into a matching black skirt. Her shoes are simple brown dress shoes with white ankle socks.

"I don't believe I was talking to you," Kyo replied.

"But the only one here is yourself so I decided to join the talk you had by yourself," the girl grinned, adjusting her glasses.

She's annoying already.

Kyo could only sigh in response, there seemed to be no point in arguing with this person. Too much has happened already and he's had enough for one day.

"So, what's your name? I'm Futaba Hanayama. Pleasure to meet you!" She gave a peace sign and a giggle to match.

"Kyo Izumi." The boy said bluntly, "anyway why are you so cheerful? You do understand this situation don't you?"

"Of course I do but I can't do anything but play and hope for the best."

Futaba seemed like the type of girl who just wants to have fun, that much was obvious. Kyo got no bad feelings from her whatsoever but her energy is enough to drain someome like him, normally he would leave but where could he go in this situation?

"How many followers do you have left?" Futaba raised her phone, revealing 20 followers. "I've got a little fan base going on."

"That supposed to be your way of bragging?" Kyo held up his phone, showing his one follower.

"Woah, only one? Someone has faith in you."

"That someone is my little sister."

Futaba's eyes went wide, she looked like she was about to jump for joy. "I've got a sister too! She's my twin, luckily for her she didn't get stuck here but she's rooting for me!"

"Thanks for the info I didn't ask for."

"You're welcome," Futaba smiled.

Kyo simply rolled his eyes and put his attention back on the stage.

Various people went on, placing their phones on the slot and made their predictions. Luckily for them, they made the correct guesses, however one woman didn't get so lucky.

She placed her phone down and after shuffling around her photos, the screen showed her dinner plate.

"Um.. I guess I'll go with this." She pressed the like button and the results came in. It was a close one but her guess was correct.

"Yes!" She cheered but suddenly her head was sliced off by Marble, who's arm extended out far from the end of the stage.

"Hey! What the hell?! She made the right prediction!" Someone yelled out.

Marble simply acted like he didn't hear. "Next contestant!"

"Woah, what the fuck?" Futaba gasped, "that was totally unfair!"

She's right, it was. So why was that woman killed?

"Maybe the results were too close? No, that's stupid. The like ratio was still higher, no matter how close, she was right." Kyo said, trying to wrap his head around it.

"N-now I'm scared to go up there but I guess I have no choice," Futaba took the opportunity of everyone being shocked as her own and went up to the stage, setting her phone in the slot.

After inserting her phone the screen displayed a picture of her posing in front of a mirror, taking a picture of herself showing some her thigh by lifting her skirt up ever so slightly.

"Oh! So I got lucky here!" The girl exclaimed with a little clap of her hands, showing no sign of embarrassment for what was being shown to everyone.

"This is easy." With a voice full of confidence Futaba pressed the like button and after a few seconds the results came in.

The like ratio won by a massive margin.

"Oho! Very impressive!" Marble clapped as he praised her. "Let's look at some of the comments you got missy"

"So hot!"

"Wow! You're so cute!"

"Futaba sama!"

"Lift it up more next time"

Futaba giggled and gave a thumbs up to Kyo who simply rolled his eyes. 'Does she expect me to drool over her or something? She can get that dream out of her head,' he thought.

Futaba left the room and Kyo felt a small sense of relief to go back to thinking about how the results work.

'More likes, you still die and more dislikes is the same.. The rules were if we are right in our predictions then we should be fine.'

His train of thought was broken after hearing someone come up with an idea.

"Guys, let's just make a bunch of funny pictures in our phones! If we can fill them with a bunch of those we can win!"

The boy's plan sounded like a good idea for many but for Kyo, he glanced at his phone and had a look of displeasure. "I don't do "funny.""

He mentally sighed, even wishing for a moment that Futaba was still with him, she could have helped him at least. Granted, he would never admit it, the mere thought of it made him imagine her giving him a sly smirk.

He sighed and looked at the crowd of people who were all making various silly poses and faces.

Mentally sighing once more only one thing could be said in this situation.

"I'm gonna die."

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