Slight Relaxation (1/2)

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After yesterday's crazy events a new day has finally come. Marble gave the players a resort and money they had to earn from a challenge that they can use to live their lives.

Futaba was wide awake in her dorm, she finished showering and finished making herself some breakfast. "Nothing from Marble just yet, maybe he's giving us time?" She said to herself, not that she was in any rush or anything, it was only pure curiosity.

After eating her food she took care of her dishes and went on out to enjoy the peaceful time she had now.

Futaba decided to stop by the clothing store to take a look around, wondering if she could find anything nice. She tried on various outfits, posing in front of a mirror and taking a picture herself in the ones she liked.

"These will do." She smiled and paid for the outfit, the stores had a bunch of mini Marble's operating them as cashiers and food courts had them as cooks.

These mini ones have been completely harmless and only do their job it seems, if they have a harmful side Futaba hopes to never see it.

"Oh, good morning, Futaba," Ryu chuckled as he approached her. "You're up early, so you're an early bird gets the worm type I see."

"Yeah, I like to get out there and have as much fun as I can!" Futaba smiled, "also good morning to you too."

Ryu gave a small smile, "would you like to enjoy some food with me?"

"I already ate but I guess we can still chat." The girl replied and went to go have a seat with him.

Ryu was the only one to get food, a small tray of nachos and some lemonade. He looked at Futaba who sat across from him and ate a chip, chuckling, asking her a simple and unexpected question.

"What are your thoughts on secrets?"

Futaba blinked in bewilderment, not expecting a random question like that. "Um, secrets huh? Well, I think they exist for a reason like for privacy. Also they can be used to protect." She said, trying to find the right words to his question for a good answer.

"Ah, but they can also be harmful at the same time, we must not leave that out." The red eyed boy chuckled and ate some more food, "I do like that answer though so I can't be disappointed in you or anything."

"What about you then?"

"Heh, I think they are pointless, why keep a part of yourself hidden, same for information. I think people should be like me and wear their hearts on their sleeves." Ryu ate a chip and chuckled at the confused look on Futaba.

"You wear your heart on your sleeves? Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude but you look like a bad boy from any romance film, full of mystery and the girls want to know all about you." Futaba replied with unintended harsh criticism, earning a laugh from the boy.

"Ouch, but hey, I can't deny that one. But back to my point, I don't like secrets so I take care of it with my little hobby, as you know my buddy Ichiro dabbles in hypnosis and all that but I like to expose what others hide."

"But that's an invasion of privacy! You can't do that." Futaba felt offended by hearing such a thing, "a person has all the right to hide what they want!"

"Are you sure? Think about all the criminals out there who hide all the evidence against them." Ryu sipped his juice, leaning back in his chair as he looked at the girl in front of him, who looked like she couldn't refute that point specifically. "Now, I'm not trying to be some hero of justice, I just enjoy seeing the aftermath that follows the exposer of an individual."

Ryu's eyes seemed to light up with excitement, he looked crazy but also genuinely happy in the same time. He was managing to make the usual cheerful Futaba feel creeped out.

"Will their reputation fall? Will they have supporters? How will they defend themselves? So many possible outcomes can happen by one little secret being pulled out and that anticipation makes me want to keep going!" Ryu exclaimed, his hand on his chest, his smile sinister. "And you miss Futaba, I know you have a secret as well, just like all the other players here.

I want to expose you, I want your hidden side to be seen by the entire world, the thought is very exciting."

Futaba stood up, slamming her fist down on the table. "What is wrong with you? Do you hear yourself right now?! You sound as creepy as you appear right now!"

"That anger, do you not want me to expose you? Too bad. I want to see what will happen to you in this game, will your remaining followers leave and have you die? Will they stay by your side and keep you alive? I'm so eager to know." Ryu looked her in the eyes and held up his phone. "I checked your followers and noticed your buddy Kyo is not following you."

"So what's your point?" Futaba asked him. "Besides I have one person who will always be my follower, so your creepy fetish isn't gonna help you with me, dude!"

"Hahaha! Yes, I'm aware of that but what if you only have that one follower in the end? Kyo can still leave your side and you will be alone in this game, the first one was pure luck and the other was creativity as a team. If he leaves you then you're on your own for the remainder of the games, you can easily fall with no one to support you."

Futaba glared at him as he just laughed, she couldn't believe what she was hearing from this guy and on top of it all he's dead serious about everything he says! He has no care in the world for anyone, only himself!

"Now, Futaba. I won't expose you today or anything like that but do know that I did manage to get info on you, after all my hobby requires some not so legal methods sometimes." He chuckled.

"Y-you're a sick bastard!" Futaba quickly left Ryu alone at the table, not wanting to be near him any longer. As she walked away Ryu gave her one final message.

"I do look forward to having fun with you in the future~"


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