Slight Relaxation (2/2)

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Yuichi was sitting alone at the arcade, looking at those who passed by him, taking every little detail in his head as if he was taking a picture, wanting to capture this moment forever.

'Art.. such a beautiful thing. It can convey so many emotions, it's one of the best things made my mankind." Yuichi thought to himself, listening to the various sounds of people having fun.

"A very typical day, people having fun and here I am, enjoying the view, it's all art inspiration for me." Yuichi muttered to himself and looked outside from where he was sitting and noticed something weird, he saw Ichiro, talking to three people.

Normally it would be alright but the looks on the people's faces looked like they were almost lifeless, no hint of a soul in them at all. Honestly, seeing a cheerful person like Ichiro talk to three depressed looking people was very strange, Yuichi didn't really know what to think about it.

He kept watching the scene play out and saw him take the people to an alleyway. Yuichi grew curious and went to go see what was going on.

Once he reached it, his eyes went wide at the sight before him.

Ichiro was standing in front of not just the three from before but also more other people, he was in front of a total of eight people but that's not all.

They were dead.


Yuichi was in so much shock he spoke aloud by mistake, catching the other boy's surprise.

"Come on out, please don't be shy." Ichiro giggled and smiled as he saw Yuichi reveal himself.

"Ah, you're the artist." Ichiro smiled and Yuichi gave him a small glare.

"Please don't just label as "the artist," I have a name and it's Yuichi."

"Haha! Sorry, sorry."

Yuichi looked back at the bodies, he felt sick just by looking at them, why were they like this?

"D-did, you kill these people?" He asked asked, fully and clearly uncomfortable about this situation.

"Huh? Oh, no. I didn't kill them I helped them."  Ichiro replied and gave him a smile.

"H-help? They are dead! You're a murderer." Yuichi couldn't believe what he just heard people dying equals helping them? There's no way!

"How is something l-like this helpful?"

Ichiro giggled once again, clearly feeling nothing about this whole thing, like it was a simple day for him. "You don't know but I specialize in hypnosis, ever since I was little I was always interested in it. I saw someone use it for therapy and wanted to try myself!" He exclaimed, gesturing to the bodies behind him.

"These people were broken and afraid, after only two games they are already losing their way. So I decided to free them by offering assistance, with my hypnosis I can free them from their fears and insecurities, I can be that final push to make a change for them, true salvation."

"What you're saying is n-no different from being some kind of cult leader... Get to the weak so you can control them.." Yuichi looked at the happy go lucky boy who simply tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you talking about? I am no cult leader, I am only helping people in this very serious situation. They say the eyes are the widow to the soul and I can see a person's hidden insecurities." The white haired boy picked up a bloody knife and played with it for a moment before tossing it back down. "I only gave them the best advice, people say suicide is wrong but for this place it's freedom."

Ichiro walked closer to Yuichi, finding his fear to be amusing, he suddenly grabbed him by his wrist, preventing him from backing away any further.

"I can feel your insecurities as well, if you want I can help you too," Ichiro used his free hand to stroke the terrified boy's cheek. "You don't have to be afraid, just let me know what upsets you, let it all out and I'll accept you with open arms."

"S-stop!" Yuichi pushed him away and his body shook, he's never been in this situation before in his life, witnessing dead bodies, talking to a lunatic, this was too much for him at once. "W-why? Why are you doing this? We j-just have to play the games and we can escape..."

"Not everyone wants to play these games, yes the first two were not that bad but these games can get more challenging. Not everyone has such a strong mind, silly," Ichiro did a small twirl and extended his arms out, like he wanted to hug the boy. "So I will be the support for these poor, broken people."

"Man, Ichiro. You truly never make things boring, I have to admit that."

Yuichi turned and gasped as he saw Ryu standing behind him at the end of the alley, his arms folded and a sly smile on his face. He looked at the bodies and chuckled, his eyes on Yuichi.

"Please forgive him, his hobby can be hard to understand, we both have our own philosophic views that many tend to look down on."

"T-the fact that this doesn't bother you makes you just as insane as him."
Yuichi said with a shaky voice as Ichiro went over to Ryu.

"Heh, say what you will about us, anyway, I'm only here to get Ichiro. A new game is bound to start soon and we need to be ready after all." Ryu replied and walked off with him.

Yuichi watched the two of them leave, he doesn't have a clear grasp on what Ryu is like but just seeing the two of them together made him feel the aura that came off the both of them and it made him uncomfortable. Like a cloud of darkness was attempting to suffocate him when they were with him and he was finally able to breathe.


"So the two of you spoke with Ryu and Ichiro?" Kyo asked, Yuichi and Futaba came to his dorm, explaining everything to him.

"Those guys are insane! Marble is bad enough but those two are just as insane! What are we gonna do?" Futaba looked down, still not over her talk with Ryu.

"We can't do anything, killing them is wrong, we just have to play and hope they lose one of the games." Kyo replied, trying to wrap his head around what he was told.

Ryu, a creep who loves to expose people's secrets to the world just for fun.

Ichiro, a cute boy on the outside but a psycho on the inside.

And then there's Marble, the one who trapped them all in this place.

'Things just get worse and worse here don't they?' Kyo thought to himself, the thought of dealing with Ryu and Ichiro was nothing but troublesome.

"When the time comes for us to deal with them, we will do so but for now we just have to worry about ourselves and not their actions." He told them.

The other two nodded and then there was an announcement from the cruel mascot himself.

"Hope you all had a nice morning! Please come outside of the resort so we may begin the next game!"

Kyo sighed and stood up. "Let's go," he said mentally preparing himself for what's to come.


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