Explore the Maze (3/3)

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The smoke began to clear up from the explosion, revealing the now scorched and unrecognizable body of the Marble clone. A few steps away from it was Ryu, sweating from the intense heat that rushed over him.

"Damn.. if I was a few seconds slower I would have died just now." He said and slowly stood up, looking at the body before him. "That Marble is truly a crafty one, definitely wasn't gonna make things easy on learning who he is."

The teen let out a small chuckle and then sighed. "Oh well, there's always next time. Right now my objective is to escape this maze."

"Are you okay?" Yuichi asked, he and Futaba approaching the smoke.

"I know that voice, it's Yuichi and sweet little Futaba~" Ryu chuckled.

"Don't address me that way you creep!" Futaba snapped and suddenly she was able to see again, the device on her face coming off.

With a thud it fell to the floor and the green haired girl frowned.

"What's wrong?" Yuichi asked, expecting the girl to make some hyper active cheer or some kind of joke.

"I'm happy to see again but the first thing I have to see is this guy, I'd rather go blind again." Futaba sighed and looked at Ryu again, observing his injuries. "But I guess seeing you beat up evens things out."

"Oooh, so heartless, the cheerful Futaba has some thorns I see." Ryu chuckled. "I like that in a woman~"

Ryu grabbed his jacket from the floor and proceed on forward. "You two should come along as well, strength in numbers after all."

Yuichi and Futaba glanced at one another, both unsure about following him but at the same time they had to admit he was right.

With no reply the two followed him, keeping their distance.

"Come now, I don't bite. No need to stay so far back, let's chat to pass the time." Ryu turned his head to look at the two of them, a smile on his face.

"This is far enough for my liking, the closer I get the more I feel like puking," Futaba rolled her eyes.

Yuichi looked at Ryu and took a deep breath as he asked him a question. "Ryu.. About you exposing secrets.. why? Why do you do it, what do you gain?"

"Ah, trying to pry into my thought process huh? I didn't expect a quiet man like yourself to ask." Ryu chuckled softly and put his hands in his pockets, glancing up at the ceiling  in thought.

"It's fun, to put it in simple terms but I simply don't like secrets. Even the kindest people have an ugly side so I just reveal it, by doing so a person's real self is out for the world to see."

Futaba rolled her eyes, nudging Yuichi with her elbow, "don't bother trying to understand what he's saying. He's just an asshole who gets off on this." She said in disgust, remembering her own talk with him.

"Oh, Futaba. You must feel threatened by me~ I know what you are hiding and you hate that huh? Don't worry I won't reveal it just yet so put those claws away little kitty." Ryu chuckled, clearly amused by the girl's animosity towards him.

"Threatened? Ha! Don't make me laugh, I just hate the fact some creep has been stalking me for who knows how long."

"Not "stalking," I like the term research instead."

Futaba clenched her fist and walked faster, raising her clenched hand, ready to punch him in the back of his head but Yuichi stopped her.

"Don't fall to his level, it's not worth it."

"I know but when he talks I get so annoyed!" The green haired girl sighed, instantly glaring at the boy ahead of them who laughed.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop teasing you for now, let's just focus on the main objective we all share at the moment."

"Fine but if you piss me off again I swear I'll hit you."



Kyo and Ichiro walked around together, the two of them finding a box before them.

"So, gonna open it?" The white haired male asked.

"Of course I am."

Kyo walked to the box and Ichiro giggled. "So brave, you could die," he smiled softly, making an x with his arms.

"If we get scared at every little thing then how are we going to get out of here?" Kyo opened the box and inside was a folded piece of paper. He picked it up and examined it, the contents of what he found surprising him.

"It's a map."

"Oh! Then it looks like we found our way out!" Ichiro cheered as he jumped like a child.

"Seems that way," Kyo reached into his pocket and got his phone, taking a picture of the map and sent it to Futaba.

"I shouldn't ask but are you going to tell Ryu?" He asked.

Ichiro looked at him and put his finger on his chin, "hm, I guess I should." He said and took a picture of the map for Ryu.

"You're acting like you don't care about him."

"Well, we don't really care about each other, just because you see us together doesn't mean we are friends." Ichiro explained. "You see, Ryu knew about me when we woke up here, the two of us aren't mutual followers either. We have our own following."

"Then why hang out?" Kyo asked.

Ichiro giggled softly and smiled. "Well, like I said he knew about me. He thought my little talent would be nice to have and he's got his own hobby so hey, we saw each other's usefulness and that's why we work together right now."

"I don't know if it's good or bad that I can understand the reasoning." Kyo sighed and Ichiro simply grinned childishly.


"Guys! Kyo found a map!" Futaba cheered as she looked at the picture sent to her. "Now, how are we going to remember what way we took?"

"Let me see that." Ryu took the girl's phone and examined the picture for a moment, zooming in on it and pointed it to the other two. "This is where we are, we'll need to turn back and make some turns."

"How did you remember all that?" Asked Yuichi, impressed by the display.

"Heh, memorization is one of the many keys needed for my little hobby and I too enjoy games like any other teenager." Ryu chuckled and lead the way, the two following him in silence.


"Ahhh, finally a change in scenery," Ichiro sighed as he and Kyo finally got out of the maze.

Kyo sighed, also relived to be out of there at last. He stood by the exit, waiting for Yuichi and Futaba to come out and eventually they did.

"Kyo! How nice of you to wait for us!" Futaba smiled and went to hug him, only for Kyo to dodge her by stepping to the side.

"Wow, Ryu, you don't look so hot." Ichiro laughed, looking at the boy's injures.

"I knew this would put a smile on that annoying little face of yours." Ryu chuckled.

As many others managed to come out the timer also ended and Marble appeared from the ceiling.

"Times up! Those of you who didn't make it, sucks to be you~" he chuckled, snapping his fingers and blood could be seen as the people still inside exploded.

"Now then, with them out of the way, I think it's time for the next game boys and girls!"

Marble had everyone split up into large groups, making them walk through different doors.

Kyo and Futaba were with Ryu and Ichiro was with Ichiro.

In the room was a giant robot girl, dressed like a doll, appearing to be fast asleep.

"What the hell is that?" Futaba was surprised and many others around felt the same.

"This is your next game, please the attention seeking robot!"

Marble announced and the robots in each room opened their eyes.


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