Read and Ignore (4/4)

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Just pure silence.

No one could say anything, everyone was trying to process what had happened before them.

Ryu Otanashi, he deleted their one opportunity to ending the Read and Ignore game. Everyone could finally get rest, no one would have to lose sleep over risking a message being missed.

But he took away their hope, with a smile on his face.

"You bastard!"

A man in the crowd charged at Ryu, who only chuckled and side stepped him.

"Oh, it seems I angered you."

"Not just him you asshole!"

Ryu noticed multiple angry faces charging at him. The boy blinked, faking fear and quickly used his parkor skills to climb up a large billboard and took a seat.

"Get your ass back down here!"

"You will pay for this!"

"You have to come down eventually!"

Ryu laughed at the angry mob below him. "I didn't expect all of you to get so fired up over a sticker. Has social media rotted your brains that much~?"

"Geez, Ryu sure is a jerk huh?" Ichiro giggled softly, watching the angry mob with Ayumi.

"Jerk is putting it lightly, hell, asshole seems too nice for him." The black haired girl sighed, looking on in annoyance.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the game is forced to continue!" Marble chuckled, looking down at the players in what can only be assumed as joy. "You all worked so hard but one person snatched away all of your hope! Because of Ryu Otanashi the Read & Ignore game will continue!"

Utter despair and agony was put upon the contestants after hearing his words combined with the mocking laughter of Ryu.

"Hahaha! Such a shame! I guess a small part of me feels bad but I needed some excitement~"

"You asshole!" Screamed Futaba, "is human life nothing but a toy to you!? Your so called "want for excitement" will lead to more death! What is wrong with you!?"

Her voice was pained, tears building up in the corner of her eyes and her throat sore from screams.

Ryu looked down at her, saying nothing, he only smiled. It was all he needed to do for her to understand it was pointless to talk to him.

"Raise your head Futaba.." Yuichi said, "this can't bring you down we can still fight this game.."

"H-how? That was our way out.."

Yuichi held up his phone "There's another way, I figured something out while we were gambling.."

Ryu looked at the two with a curious smile. "Oh? Looks like the quiet one is about to show off~"

Marble chuckled, also amused by what Yuichi had planned.

Yuichi went over to Kyo, holding the other teen's phone. "I noticed something pretty significant during the game."

Kyo glanced over at him, honestly curious about what he had figured out.

"This whole game started off with a text message, meaning there had to be someone who sent the message." Yuichi glanced up at Marble slightly before looking back at the two phones he held as he continued explaining.

"Meaning that someone was the catalyst to begin everything but we obviously wouldn't be able to find them easily, there's far too many of us playing" Yuichi looked at Marble once again.

"So we wouldn't really expect the game master to be a participant."

Futaba gasped. "W-wait! Marble is a player? But no got a message from him!"

"Yes, someone did. It was the player who died first but the text didn't have Marble's name in it exactly. Take a look at this."

Yuichi held his phone up to her showing her a name that said: Amibara Aruku.

"W-who is that?" She asked.

"It's an anagram I found this name while looking at the chat history and this person started it all, now if we arrange the words around, we get something else and that's Riaaka Maburu."

"Marble! He's been playing with us the whole time!" Futaba exclaimed. Her friend simply nodded and looked at Kyo, returning his phone to him.

"Okay, now Kyo, let's finish this."

Kyo nodded and received a random text from him. Kyo in turn sent a text to Marble using a sticker he had obtained from the slot machines.

Sticker: Hurry up! Rarity: 3***
The time u have left is subtracted from the next person's response time.

"We have 30 seconds normally so 30 minus 30 is.."


Marble gasped and chains appeared from above and he was strangled to death.

The crowd immediately burst into cheers but it was cut short as Marble's body exploded. Shot by a floating miniature tank and the one driving it was...


"Not bad! For killing the moderator! I must congratulate you, however he was the weakest of the Marbles." The man chuckled softly, the people below felt despair, each of them thinking there was no way to end the game now.

"Ah, another Marble appeared but that is to be expected is it not?" Ryu chuckled as he observed, "there's no way this would end that easily~"

Marble bowed and clapped his hands. "But, the moderator is dead as I said, so I declare this game over! You all may now get some proper rest so you are energized for the next game!"

There was a long moment of silence, no could believe it but the game was indeed over.


The crowd cheered, everyone hugging and high fiving while others fainted from stress and exhaustion.

"Yuichi, you're amazing!" Futaba hugged the boy tightly.

"Um... it was nothing really..."

"No! You saved us all!" Futaba smiled.

"She's right, you did well~" Ryu clapped, approaching them.

"You got some balls coming down from your safe place" Futaba glared.

"I'm no longer on the minds of everyone, they're far too tired to do anything but regardless, Yuichi, you came to the same conclusion as me, impressive~"

Tatsu looked at him with his eyebrow raised. "What are you talking about?"

"Well, as I told Futaba, this game was boring to me and I wanted more fun, which is why I stole and deleted the sticker. I wanted to see what would happen but I ultimately planned to take care of Marble but I got the spotlight stolen." Ryu explained and turned away. "But, let's all get rest, I hope the next game turns out to be much more entertaining."

The trio watched him walk away, Tatsu flipping him off. "That guy irritates me."

"Tell me about it," sighed Futaba but brushed it off. "Anyway let's go rest!"


Kyo sat down on his bed, he just got changed after a refreshing shower and noticed he got a text from Futaba.

"Yuichi was a great help huh?"

"Yeah, he saved the day"

"I know let's repay him tomorrow! Treat him to some food before the next game!"

Kyo looked at the message for a moment but ultimately agreed to the idea. His friend saved everyone so some kindness can't hurt at all.



With that the two finished texting each other and Kyo lied down, closing his eyes for much needed sleep.


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