Outside Trouble

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"G-go away!" Rio yelled at the door, Marble, the one who is the mascot of Real Account, the one who trapped her brother and a bunch of other people in the app to play a bunch of games was suddenly outside her door.

"I'm afraid I can't." Marble replied and picked the lock, opening the door and looked at her, giving a wave as he approached her. "I won't hurt you too badly," he said, playing with the baseball bat he held in his hand.

Rio ran and got one of the chairs from the table, using all the strength she could to toss it at the intruder.

Marble was barely affected by the object thrown at him, easily deflecting it with his weapon. "Please don't make my job difficult, okay?" He pleaded and raised his bat about to strike her.


Out of nowhere someome ran in the house, hearing the commotion and jumped, kicking Marble in the back, causing him to fall down.

"You okay, kid?"

Rio looked at her savior, it was a girl who appeared to be in her teens. She had long dark green hair with her bangs pushed back with a red headband. She also had blue eyes covered by circular framed black glasses. She was wearing an unzipped black hoodie that looked much too large for her over a plain red tank top. Her pants are plain skinny jeans and her shoes are red sneakers.

"Y-yes! I'm okay, thank you.." Rio said.

Marble stood and swung his bat at both of them, attempting to get some distance and ran into one of the rooms in the house.

"T-that's my brother's room!" Rio exclaimed.

"I've got him!" The girl said and ran after Marble but the room was already empty, the window was also wide open. "Damn it, he's fast!"

"K-kyo... Please! You have to help me get my brother back!" Rio begged, gripping the girl's sleeve.

"Hey, don't cry." She said and patted her head, "my name is Nanami, what's yours?"


"Such a pretty name for a pretty girl, don't worry I'll help you get your brother back, besides, my twin got abducted as well. I just happened to hear you and rushed on over." Nanami held the small girl's hand and smiled softly, "I promise your brother will be saved!"

Rio gave her a smile and wiped away her tears, "thank you."

Nanami gave a confidant smile and left with Rio by her side.

The two ran off to the city and their eyes went wide with the sight before them.

In the middle of the street there was huge crowd of Marble's, men and women all dressed up as the RA mascot. They were loading the back of various trucks with unconscious bodies.

"What are they doing?" Rio asked, clinging to Nanami. They were both watching from an ally they were hiding in.

"I'm as lost as you are," Nanami said, her eyes were scouting over the people being loaded into the trucks. "I think these are all of the people who are trapped in Real Account, people who got pulled in fell unconscious, so it makes sense to me."

The crowd of Marble's finished loading up the trucks and drove off. The two got out of their hiding spot and Nanami looked around, "we have to figure out where they're going."

"B-but how? Do you have a car or anything?" Rio asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Buuuuuut there should be a shop that has bikes around here, if we're lucky the owner got sucked in the game and we can easily yoink a bike for ourselves." Nanami smiled and took Rio with her as she ran off.

"B-but isn't that stealing?"

"No, we are borrowing it to solve a very serious mystery."

Nanami laughed, surprisingly being a bit cheerful in this situation. She noticed Rio's confusion and smiled, "hey, you need to have some positivity no matter how bad things get. Like the famous saying goes: there's light at the end of the tunnel."

"W-well, I guess you're right about that."


The two reached the shop and Nanami got a bike for them, luckily their was no one around so there was no issue.

"Now then, the hard part is trying to figure out where they went. Hopefully we can find them quickly." Nanami put on her helmet and Rio did the same, getting on the bike and held onto Nanami from behind.

"Alright, let's go!"


A/N: yes a bit of a short one here, just wanted to give a lil peek at what's going down in the real world while our players are doing their best to survive.

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