Moment of Peace (1/2)

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"Hey, Kyo let's hang out!" Futaba smiled as she nudged his shoulder. "Who knows when the next game begins so let's relax while we can."

The black haired teen sighed in annoyance and looked at her, "can't you go bother Yuichi?"

"He's in his room doing his art thing and I don't want to interrupt so come on!" Futaba grabbed his sleeve and dragged him out of his dorm and took him to the mall plaza.

They went to the clothing store and Futaba looked around at the clothes. "Hey, Kyo, what's your little sister like?" She asked.

Kyo sighed before giving his reply. "She's pretty shy at first but give her some time and she'll open up pretty quick." He said, looking at his phone, "she's smart for a ten year old and can cook pretty well. I taught her how fend for herself when I'm not home so she's always prepared."

Futaba smiled at him, she found it nice to be able to know more about Kyo, yeah he was talking about his sister but hearing him sound proud was sweet. "That's amazing, I'm sure you're a great brother, Kyo."

"What about you? You have a sister as well right?"

The girl was surprised to hear that question, not expecting him to want to know about her. "My sister is as cheerful as I am honestly. Put us together and there's barely any difference in our personalities."

Futaba giggled softly. "She's always been by my side, we have always supported one another like twins would do naturally," she smiled and adjusted her glasses. "I know she's rooting for me to return, so like you, I also can't die here."

Kyo nodded, "well then, let's do our best."

Futaba nodded and went to go try on the outfit she picked out. Kyo waited by the changing room, looking at his phone and was approached by someone, a grown man it seemed

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Hello, I was wondering if you would like to team up?" The man asked. "I've been wanting to ask since the live stream game, your clever trick was impressive."

"How about you introduce yourself and try again?" Kyo said, clearly annoyed by the man.

"Ah, forgive me! Ahem, my name is-"

"No, actually I don't care. Whatever you want from me the answer is no."

The man looked at him as he frowned. "C-come now, I simply want to team up with you!" He pleaded. "No ulterior motive beyond that," the man put his hand to his chest but Kyo wasn't having it.

"No, now leave me alone." He said.

"Kyo, please think about this. I get that you are with those other two but you aren't even following them. So there's no solid alliance right?"

"I'm not following them, that's why you came to me?" Kyo raised his phone up, following both Futaba and Yuichi. "Well now I am, our alliance is solidified."

The man clicked his tongue and turned on his heel, stomping off in anger.

"Thanks for the follow."
Kyo glanced over to see Futaba peeking from the changing room, smiling softly at him.

"Instead of thanking me, don't make me regret the choice I made. I don't want to die with either of you." The teen held up his fist to her, "besides we both have siblings waiting for us, let's do our best to put smiles on their faces."

Futaba blushed a bit and smiled, extending her fist and the two shared a fist bump. "Yeah!"


After being dragged along for her shopping Kyo and Futaba went to the food court, the two sat together and enjoyed their meal.

"So, what's your home life like?" Asked Futaba, "you mentioned teaching your sister things to fend for herself, what happened to your parents?"

Kyo gave her a cold glance but it quickly became a slightly soft expression. "They died in an accident a few months after my sister was born,  our uncle raised us but it eventually became just the two of us." He replied, looking down at his food as he spoke. "Nothing happened to him by the way, I just took care of raising her myself"

Futaba looked at the boy in front of her, she couldn't imagine what it must have been like at first. "Hey.. I'm sure your parents are proud of you. After all you took on such a big role for your sister, you even taught her many things to prepare her for her own future." She smiled and put her finger on his chin, making him look forward.

"I say you should keep your chin up, you worked hard for her, hell you still are in this crazy situation we found ourselves in."

Kyo's eyes locked with hers for a moment, it felt like they were gazing at one another for a long time but it was only a couple of seconds due to Kyo looking away. "Trying to cheer me up huh? Don't bother, I'm not sad or anything but I guess I should still thank you for the kind words."

"No problem, really. We already made it clear that we can sympathize with one another, with us both having a sibling outside waiting for us."

The girl gave him another one of her kind smiles, standing up from her seat. "I'm gonna go get myself a refill."

Once she walked off Kyo sighed softly, he found himself thinking Futaba wasn't so annoying after all. She can still get on his nerves but this sweet side of her makes her not so bad.

He looked over to where she was, thinking about how things would be if they didn't meet.

Knowing himself, Kyo would definitely be playing the lone wolf, doing whatever he could to get out alive. Having Futaba and Yuichi by his side isn't such a bad thought, he was harsh to them at first but now that he's followed them, trust has been made.
Yeah it was only a follow to have that guy leave him alone but to unfollow them now would just make him feel wrong, he knew he couldn't do that to the ones who have faith in him.

The trio are a team now so they have to continue on working as one.

"I'm back!" Futaba broke Kyo's train of thought and he looked at her.

"Anything else you feel like doing?" He asked, catching her by surprise. All day she's been dragging him around, this is the first time he offered to do anything else.

"Can we go ride the roller coasters?"

Kyo nodded and stood up, "lucky for you I enjoyed them a lot as a kid."

Futaba giggled and the two walked side by side to continue their quality time.


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