The Attention Seeking Robot

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The crowd gasped as they looked up, the robot girl looked down at all of them and took out a large cell phone.

Marble chuckled and made one more announcement "You all have a time limit of 20 minutes to try and get out of this room while dealing with her." He explained before vanishing.

The robot smiled and began to type on her phone, various screens popping up to show what she was tweeting.

"Ugh, one of my favorite outfits to wear got ruined in the rain! The sudden weather changed and I totally was not ready!"

No one knew what to say to her and she wasn't happy with the long silence.

"Talk to me!" She screamed and slammed her fist down, crushing random people under her. With her anger everyone noticed a bomb on her chest which had a long string, getting closer.

The crowd noticed and began to say whatever they could think of to avoid the explosion and her rage.

"U-uh oh no! But d-don't worry about it! You could always get a new outfit!"

"Yeah! Besides what you have on now is beautiful!"

The robot smiled and giggled, a wave of happiness consuming her. "Aww, thanks everyone!"

"So this is what we are doing now? Giving into the needs of some girl?" Ryu chuckled, "this is truly insulting, besides, everyone is going about this all wrong."

"What do you mean?" Asked Futaba.

"She's an attention seeker, the internet is full of them and honestly they are boring." Ryu replied, looking at the crowd with an unimpressed stare.

"He's right, feeding into an attention seeker is unhealthy for them." Kyo put his hand to his chin, "so we have to go against her and just do our best to avoid her fist."

Futaba found the idea to be okay but still scary since this is a giant robot after all in front of them.

"Then please allow me to handle this."

Ryu walked ahead of the crowd and raised his hand. "Excuse me miss, may you lift me up? I want a closer look at that cute face of yours." He smiled, making the robot blush.

"Oh, even though you look a little beat up you're hot, hell I think the wounds fit you, cutie~" she put down her palm for him to jump on and let him sit down on her shoulder.

"You think I'm hot huh? I get that every now and then but hearing you say it, heh, I just may have to take you out." Ryu flirted with the robot with ease, reading her and knowing just what to say. He was simply just going along with her act for now.

"Well then, may I tell you something?" He asked.

"You can tell me anything!" She replied cheerfully.

"Do you really think those fools down there care about you? Or anyone for that matter?" He asked.


"Your little issues are just that, nothing but issues. Attention whores like you truly sicken me, far too easy read, not worthy of being exposed by me for I won't get that thrill. If anything the ones who feed attention seekers are just as worthless." Ryu smirked and did a little spin, continuing his little speech.

"Bad issues are the only thing you fools talk about and once you get supporters you jump on the happy bandwagon, however, once people talk to you less you go back to depressive mode, praying for the ones you had to come running back just because of your crocodile tears."

"Jeez, talk about heartless." Futaba said, feeling a little bad but if this was the way then she couldn't do anything about it, she's far too late anyway.

Ryu's words were striking the robot like a knife, it was clear as day to see that. Her body and eyes twitched as he spoke to her and she crushed the phone she held and the bomb displayed on her chest was closer to exploding.

"H-how dare you speak too me that way!? I'll kill you!" She reached to grab him but he jumped and slid down her arm, leaping off once he reached her elbow.

"Being killed by you would be a terrible insult to my life, so instead how about you make a post about offing yourself or something?"

That was the final straw for the girl, the bomb on her chest exploded but it wasn't a large one. Instead, the ground beneath her opened up and below on the floor was the word "exit."

"Everyone down here!"

The crowd jumped down through the hole as fast as they could.

"Wait look!" Futaba pointed to the robot and inside was an unconscious girl.

"Grab her and hurry up," Kyo jumped down with Ryu.

Futaba quickly got the girl and jumped with her right before the above room burst into flames as the time ran out.

Everyone let out sighs of relief and Yuichi ran up to his friends. "So you succeeded," he said.

"Thanks to me." Ryu chuckled and waved lazily, glancing down at the girl Futaba rescued. "Heh, things continue to get better," he placed his hands in his pockets and walked over to Ichiro.

"Someone was in the robot for you guys too? There was a boy in the other one." Yuichi said, "someone is with him right now."

"I guess Futaba can look after this girl for the time being until she wakes up." Kyo said, watching Futaba carry the girl bridal style.

"Um.. I guess I can do that. I saved her after all, once she wakes up I'll get back to you guys!" She smiled.

The two nodded and with that they easily cleared the game and everyone was allowed to return to the resort and rest up.

~~In the real world~~

"Sir what do we do? Many people are complaining and panicking about the situation with Real Account!" Asked a woman in a suit, looking at her boss.

"I know but don't worry I will make an important announcement right away about how we'll handle it." Her boss said standing up from his desk.

"We'll have to shut down Real Account"


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