R.A Love

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"Love, a powerful and wonderful thing! Honestly, I think everyone in this world deserves to be loved. But it can also be deadly, the person you speak to can say they love you but in reality they don't. You can find someone who never experienced it and then manipulate them with it."

Marble chuckled and danced around on the platform he stood on, standing above the R.A resort. "Either way how are they doing as they share and experience love together~?"

- Kyo and Futaba-

"Happy valentines day!" Futaba smiled as she greeted Kyo at his room with a box of chocolates and a rose.

Kyo took the gifts as she walked inside and the girl sat on his bed. "I can't let you be a lonely sport on a day like this! You need some excitement!"

Kyo sighed softly and looked at her, still standing by the door. "Hey... since you are here.. want to make a cake?"

Futaba's eyes lit up, she wasn't expecting that to come from his mouth. She stood on her feet, eyes filled with passion as she raised her fist up, "let's do this!"

The two began to make the tasty treat and as Kyo mixed the batter Futaba giggled and got some on her finger from the edge of the bowl and licked it off. "Hey, I have a question," she said.

"What is it?" Kyo asked as he put the cake on the oven.

"Ever thought about being in a relationship?"

Kyo shook his head, "I was never one to pursue them. A relationship could happen at any time for any person."

"Then what about same sex relationships?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Sexuality isn't a big deal for me either, if I feel the same then that's how it is. I'll form a relationship." He replied and got some water.

As he did he looked at the girl from the corner of his eye, noticing a slight tint of pink on her cheeks but didn't bother to ask her about it.

As they waited for the cake, the two played a video game together. Eventually the cake was ready and they each got a piece.

Kyo gave her a fork and was about to get his own but Futaba poked his back.

"Hey, Kyo?"


The boy was cut off as Futaba put a piece of her cake in his mouth. As she pulled the fork out of his mouth she smiled at him and winked, eating her own piece of cake.

"Happy valentines day~"

-Kyo and Yuichi-

"What are we doing..?"

"I told you, I want to get some inspiration and wanted to make a new art piece." Yuichi replied to Kyo.

Kyo was shirtless and laying down on Yuichi's bed with the other boy straddling him and holding sketchbook, drawing him.

"I must say, you do have a nice build, you're almost like a sculpture." Yuichi said softly, putting his pencil on the boy's chest, slowing moving it down to his bellybutton.

"Thanks, I guess." Kyo replied, clearly not annoyed by what was happening which surprised Yuichi a bit.

"I'm surprised, you don't seem to be uncomfortable."

"I am a chill person, it shows at these kinda situations."

Yuichi gave a faint smile. "I like that, you also can be quite dependable which is nice." He got off him and closed his sketchbook, "thank you for the assistance. Oh, and one more thing, today is valentines day I believe."

The young artist walked to Kyo, who put his shirt back on and suddenly hugged him. "Happy valentines day, this is a way of me showing appreciation, I do like our friend group.."

Kyo hugged him back and the two separated. "Yeah, happy valentines day."

The two then left the room and headed to the food court to enjoy some sweets with each other.


-Ryu, Ayumi, Ichiro-

"I must say Ichiro, you are truly a interesting individual," said Ryu, sitting on the floor as he scrolled through his phone.

"You think so? I think Ayumi is pretty great!"

"I think both of you are annoying" the girl said, looking at them both in annoyance, "also, why are you in my room?"

"It's Valentine's day so friends like us should stick together" Ryu chuckled and winked at her. The girl felt like punching him in the face but went against the thought.

"You caring about a day like this? That's hilarious" Ayumi crossed her arms and glared at Ichiro who was in her kitchen. "What are you doing?"

"I think we should make treats!" The boy smiled and started gathering ingredients for cupcakes.

Ayumi sighed and stood, not in the mood to deal with them but if this would make them leave then fine by her.

"Alright fine, but I want you both gone after this."

The boys simply chuckled and they made cupcakes. Once they were done Ichiro got his phone and positioned it on the counter, setting a timer and pulled his two companions close.

"Say cheese!" He grinned and a photo was taken. "Ayumi, you should smile more," he said after looking over the picture.

"You should drop dead."

"And you shouldn't say such rude things~" Ryu chimed in.

"You stop being a creepy stalker." Ayumi replied.

The boys chuckled and ate their cupcakes.


Above the resort Marble chuckled softly and put his hands on his hips. "See? Love is all around us, it's truly beautiful I must say. But no matter how much love motivates these poor individuals, will it be enough to push them forward to escape this place?"

He jumped down in front of the resort and held up his hands, making a frame the resort in the center. "The show is just beginning and I will, no, we will see just how strong the love they have is! I look forward to it" he clapped his hands and mini clones of him appeared and launched fireworks into the air.

Bursting colors of heart shapes and smiles along with stars and cute animals were shown with loud booms. Everyone in the resort were surprised but also pleased at the sight.

Kyo was standing outside with Yuichi and Futaba watching the show and the green haired girl held their hands, smiling at them.

"It's funny how in a place like this we can experience a beautiful show, life is truly something huh?"

The two boys gave it some thought and nodded.

"Yeah it is" they said in unison.

Futaba giggled and they enjoyed the rest of the fireworks show.


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