Let The Games Begin (4/4)

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"Hello there my wonderful viewers, it's a pleasure to see you. I am... well, just call me X." A man in a black mask was speaking to the ones before him.

"Real Account has been turned into a game of survival. Truly something to fear isn't it? But I must tell you that Mabrle is the least of your worries, the real threat is me." He said, "I am the true mastermind behind all of this."

-in the real world-

"Mastermind? What is this guy talking about?" A woman asked her husband who was sitting beside her.

"W-why are you asking me?" He replied, "he just came out of nowhere but he seems serious, I guess."

Talks like these were being to rise all over in the real world, everyone wanted to know who this guy was and wanted to hear what he had to say.

-Real Account-

"In case you're wondering where I am. I am in a booth just like the other players are and no, I'm not hiding among them in disguise." X chuckled softly, "I wanted to be close to them because there has been a change of plans, you see, the players are locked out of this channel and only the audience can see this."

X, this mysterious man quickly grabbed the attention of many people, the curiosity of the masses was too much and so many people wanted to know what he was after.

"Well, my lovely audience. I want you all to know that many of you are about to die."

His words created a surge of comments on the screen before him.


"W-what are you saying?"

"Stop screwing around!"

X made a tsk sound and continued to speak. "Your fear and confusion is very understandable but what I say is true. I have a lot of power, the power of people who can harness electro magnetic waves. Due to you all watching the many live streams, a special wave has been sent to your heads from your devices being hacked and in exactly ninety seconds, your heads will explode."


"Please don't do this!"

"I-i can give you money if you want!"

Fear and comments of those begging for their lives surged all over the screen.

"Please don't be afraid, you all only have yourselves to blame. Human beings love this sort of thing don't they? The immense suspense, the guess if what will happen next. After all, I said many will die, not all of you." As if that was supposed to make his audience feel better it only had the opposite effect.

People in the real world were clinging to one another for support, afraid of being separated. Others were too afraid to look away from their screens, they could only hope to be the one of the ones who live.

"Well, it seems time is almost up. So before you all die, answer this one question for me." The screen X was on suddenly went dark and Kyo appeared, holding his phone. "What's it like being tricked?"

"F-fuck you!"

"I really thought I was gonna die!"

"You suck!"

Futaba giggled and looked at her partner. "Pretty clever idea you had there, taking a picture of the booth for the background and just using a random guy in a mask with Photoshop and a voice alteration."

"I could have used a picture of Marble but I assumed bringing a new guy in the mix would bring some suspicion and possibly more attention." Kyo explained, he looked at the camera and gave a peace sign with his usual stoic look.

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