Read and Ignore (1/?)

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-14 hours after the game began-

Kyo, Futaba and Yuichi were all still in Kyo's dorm room and suddenly Futaba's phone went off and she quickly sent a reply to the message. The trio felt a little tired but not too much thanks to sleeping in shifts and alerting one another once their phones went off. 

"Man, this game is nerve wracking.." she sighed.

"Yes, but we learned somethings about it," Yuchi began to explain has he held his fingers after stating what info they have.

"When replying it must be phrase with a meaning, single word replies don't count. The word prediction, emotes and stickers are disabled as well. Plus the phone's owner must be the one to reply to messages otherwise the phone won't respond."

Kyo nodded, drinking some water. "That last bit is perfect for betraying someone, this game is just about mental endurance. We're all losing sleep, thanks to it. Teams made to keep each other safe will soon shift into groups backstabbing."

"This is a mess but as long as we keep our phones close we will be okay." Futaba smiled and stood up, "now, with that being said I need to go to my dorm and get showered, I don't have a change of clothes here, I'll be back once I'm done."

The two nodded and the girl left the dorm.

After showering Futaba got dressed and heard a knock on her door, she went to answer it and was met by the one person she hates more and more each time he's around.

Ryu Otanashi, who gave her a smile and waved, acting like they were good friends.

"What do you want?" Futaba crossed her arms, rolling her eyes before giving him a cold stare.

"Now, now. No need to be so mean to me, I simply grew curious about what you and your friends are doing and how you're holding up." He replied, "I find this game to be non exciting so I decided to see if anything fun will happen if I go looking for it."

"So you want to start trouble?" Futaba glared at him, "how about you try leaving people alone? We are all stressed out thanks to this game right now."

Ryu simply chuckled and raised his hands with a shrug, "I just want some more excitement, this little back and forth between texting is not enough to give me joy."

As he spoke his phone went off and he sent a reply without a care in the world, after putting his phone in his pocket he looked at the girl before him. "See? An easy game like this is just boring"

His words, Futaba could tell he was genuine about the boredom he was feeling but with what he's been like towards her she really doesn't care. "Sorry to break it to you but making you happy isn't my concern."

Her phone soon buzzed and she was about to reply but Ryu suddenly pinned her arms up above her head as he pressed her up against the door of her dorm.

"W-what the hell?! Let me go!" She screamed at tried to get out of his grasp, unable to kick him due to how he pressed himself close to her. Futaba tried to rip her arms away but to no avail. "What are you doing?!"

"I told you, I want excitement. So I'll play with your life for a bit, will you break free to reply or will your time run dry~?"

Ryu chuckled and gave her a sly smile, tilting his head to the side, looking like a child full of curiosity.

"Help! Someone help!" Futaba called out, her struggle to get free becoming more desperate, she felt herself beginning to panic, tears began to form and she did her best to hold them in, she refused to give Ryu any satisfaction.

"You really think you'll get help? Your death makes the game one step closer to ending~ Who would save you?"

"I will."

Ryu was suddenly pulled by the back of his shirt forcefully, slightly stumbling but got his balance.

Futaba fumbled over her fingers but managed to send a message just in time and took a deep sigh, she then looked at Ryu after wiping her face to see him staring at her.

The look in his eyes was borderline psychotic, it was like he found the perfect thing, like he was waiting for someone like her. He smirked and the darkness in his eyes made the girl shiver, whatever he was thinking she didn't want to know.

"Hey, eyes this way."

Futaba looked at who saved her and was shocked to Ayumi standing in between them.

"Well now, I didn't take you for the hero of justice type." Ryu chuckled and ducked as Ayumi tired to kick him in the head.

"I'm no hero of justice, I'm someone who hates your ass, you're obsession with fucking with others gets old to see sometimes." Ayumi glared at him, annoyance written all over her face.

The boy shrugged and turned his back to them. "Honestly, I said I was just playing with her, I was counting time in my head, I was going to free her at the ten second mark." He waved lazily and walked off nonchalantly.

"U-um.. Thank you?" Futaba said.

"Don't worry about it, you saved me so I was repaying the favor, plus I hate that guy."

"If so then why do you spend time with him and Ichiro?"

Ayumi glanced at Futaba slightly, then looked away before walking off. "Because I owe him as well."

Futaba remained silent, not bothering to ask any questions as she let the other girl leave. "Damn that Ryu.." she put her first against the door, tears running down her cheeks.

"Why.. why does he keep attacking me like this? W-what does he want?" She asked herself, hiccuping softly. The fear of nearly dying caught up with her and she fell to her knees, only able to hear one thing in her mind.

"I will expose your secret~"

"I hate him.. I hate that guy so much.. Of all people to know it why did it have to be a freak like him...?"


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