Let The Games Begin (2/?)

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"I'm gonna die"

That was all Kyo could say just knowing he was gonna have to try and be humorous. This kind of thing was not his style, even if he tried it would mean instant failure.

"Humor is not my style"

"Same here"

Kyo looked to the left and saw a boy looking at his own phone with a look of gloom. He has black hair with yellow eyes, light skin. He was wearing a black shirt with a galaxy print on it, over it is a red checkered button up shirt that is open and the sleeves are pulled up to his elbows, he wore gray pants and black boots. For accessories he has a black bracelet and a bunch of black rings on his fingers.

Kyo's eyes remained on him for a while, it was almost as if he knew this boy, of course not personally but after some quick thinking it hit him.

"Um, are you Yuichi Takayama? A popular artist."

The other boy looked at him and nodded, showing Kyo his phone, revealing 10 followers.

"I'm guessing you've seen my art?" He asked softly, his gaze at the floor.

'Shy and gloomy? Quite the combo.' Not thought to himself but now wasn't the time for this, he had to figure out something.

"Listen, I don't want to even attempt any funny business but do you have any ideas?"

"N-not really.. I have a lot of art on my phone, a-and as you know I'm kinda popular.. So I think I'll get a lot of likes."

"I almost admire your confidence, but I can't relate, my gallery isn't anything worthwhile."

'Wait, worthwhile?' Kyo thought about what he just said, quickly racking his brain for something.

"Alright enough stalling!" Marble yelled to get the remaining players attention. "You all have been trying to get new pictures but you fail to remember we are in the middle of a game and a schedule! If you don't hurry up I'll just kill all of you here and now."

"Um, he's right.." Yuichi muttered and took a step forward but Kyo grabbed him by his shoulder.

"Hold on, don't be in such a rush. You saw that even if you pick like or dislike death still falls on players, clearly the answer for why has not been revealed." Even though he just met this person Kyo honestly didn't know why he stopped him just now. Normal human instinct to protect perhaps?

This boy's shy behavior reminded him of his sister so maybe his big brother instincts kicked in.

"Just let other random people go, I just need to think more," he said.

Yuichi nodded and remained by Kyo's side. The two of them watched as players went on stage, silly photos, weird, sexual and disturbing appeared on the screen.

Contestants voted correctly and passed while others voted incorrectly and died. But what about the ones who are correct and still end up dead?

The room felt like it was getting bigger due to the number of players decreasing.

"Have you figured anything out yet?" Yuichi asked, "our turns are fast approaching."

"I think I get it, how the voting works but it's escaping me."

"I'm sorry to rush but you need to think quickly." With those words Yuichi went up on stage and put his phone in the slot.

The screen showed a drawing of a large city with a huge crowd walking the streets. The drawing looked so lifelike, it made Kyo feel like he was watching the people roam around in real time but time froze and allowed him to take in every single detail that was in front of him, like taking a picture.

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