Read and Ignore (3/?)

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Kyo and the others arrived at the arcade and looked around. Tatsu showed them the gacha machine he played that gave him his unique perks.

The arcade was full of people at multiple slot machines, Tastu chuckled awkwardly at the sight. "Man, it's much more crowded here than last time."

"That must be the reason," Yuichi pointed to a sign hanging up.

"Sticker Shop Special Event! To everyone who's tired of this game! If you collect all 45 stickers (20 common and 25 rare) you can receive this "It's Over" sticker as a special prize!"

"So Marble is forcing us to bet now huh?" Yuichi said, putting his hand to his chin. "Gacha games aren't my style but this is won't be easy.."

"Gambling, you gotta love it don't you?" Futaba giggled as she got a token, "let's get our gambling freak on!"

After inserting the token and turning the slot she got a sticker. The Number 02 sticker with "congrats" written on it.

"Hey not bad right?" She smiled, a proud look on her face.

"Don't get excited over one sticker, you need 45," Kyo replied, killing the mood of the girl in front of him.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, geez!" Futaba watched Yuichi make an attempt at getting a sticker.

"44 and 45 are the only 5 star stickers... and the more money we spend the higher chances we get.. A gambling addict would eat this game up.."

The boy ended up getting the number 15 sticker.

Tatsu smiled softly, proudly putting his hands on his hips, "notice the small descriptions? The stickers have their own little perks, some better than others of course."

"We can assume the "It's over" sticker will just end this game for us" the boy noticed more people enter the arcade.

"This place is going to packed pretty quickly but either way let's see what we can do." Kyo said and the group began to play the machines.


"C-come on... just... give... the damn sticker!" Tatsu and Futaba both groaned in agony, the arcade was full of cries and moans of disbelief.

Everyone tried their best to get all the stickers but everyone just seemed to have worse than the last one.

"I'm missing number 40..." Futaba sighed, looking at her phone, "my money is fading fast..."

"If this keeps up no one will be able to support themselves unless we get another game to earn money..." Yuichi sated, looking over his sticker collection,  missing numbers 40, 25 and 15.

Tatsu was missing numbers 43 and 44 while Kyo only needed 44.

"Damn.. where's the pity system when you need it..?" Kyo rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache from all the numbers he's been dealing with.

"Oh, don't give up! You guys are so close to the prize!" Marble laughed, above them all in his hovering police car. "I bet you'll get it in the next round~"

Marble created some machines outside the arcade due to it filling up rapidly and ended up watching the massive gambling go down, mocking them all for their lack of self control, he also made trading stickers forbidden so no one could help others collect faster.

"45 stickers and only 2 are 5 stars, the probability of getting both is hard to accurately calculate at the moment, we have been getting bonus rolls for using certain amounts of money but we have to preserve or we'll be in a jam during our not so normal lives here..." Futaba placed her hand to her chin, looking around the arcade and snapped her fingers. "That's it!"

"What is?" Asked Tatsu, tilting his head in slight confusion.

"Let's all chip in and send Kyo money! He only needs just one sticker! If we give him just a little he can roll more and more! We can help push him closer to the finish line this can be our collaborative victory!"

The entire crowd couldn't go against her, she was right plus most of the men found her cute so of course they would help her.


"End this so I can finally get some sleep!"

"Heh, I like the way you think little lady" Tastu winked.

"This might be what we needed to do from the beginning," Yuichi gave a slight smile.

Everyone sent Kyo money, the teen watching his amount rack up like crazy, as the whole area was filled with cheers.

"Do it kid!"

"End this for us!"

"Come on man!"

Kyo looked at everyone, feeling some pressure on his shoulders, all the smiles before him forced him to look away as he scoffed.

"You're all fools, putting so much faith in one person. But maybe because you're fools I can't help but feel like a fool myself for going along with this." The teen held up his phone and began to roll.

Miss, miss, miss.

Not this one. Failed bonus, and another, another and another here.

"Come on, damn it." Kyo slammed his fist on the slot machine and rolled again.

Once he did, he received the sticker! The final one!

Marble raised his arms and praised the young boy. "You have done it! You gathered all the stickers! As promised you now win the "It's Over" sticker!" He chuckled, the sticker appearing in Kyo's phone.

"With that you can end this game!"

"Kyo, you did it!" Futaba jumped and hugged him tightly, pressing her face against his. "We can end this game!"

"First let's end this hug.." He pushed her away, an annoyed look on his face and he fixed his jacket.

Everyone let out sighs and prayers of relief, glad to be free from such a stressful event, sleep being on most of their minds.

"No time to waste, let's end this already," Kyo glanced at his phone about to use the sticker but suddenly something unexpected happened.

A mini Marble dressed like a burglar showed up on his screen.

"The "It's Over" sticker has been stolen from you."

"?!" Kyo was too surprised to speak, trying to process what he just read. "The sticker is gone, someone stole it from me..."

"What? Who?!" Futaba exclaimed, a look of shock on her face.

Kyo checked to see who the user of the sticker was and, his face was next to be colored with shock.

The name of the person who stole the sticker was....

Ryu Otanashi.

Kyo quickly looked around in a fast attempt to find the other teen and eventually locked eyes with him.

Ryu's red eyes met his blue ones, he smirked, holding his phone up, leaning against a pole. "My, my... what is this? Trying to end the game so fast? I know I said it was boring but come now, we can't have cheats like this~"

"You asshole! Give that back!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

Ryu chuckled softly and shook his head. "Aftaid I can't comply with that one, I need more entertainment I'm afraid." He raised his phone up high, smiling at the ones before him.

"T-take his phone!" Tatsu yelled, rushing him as fast as he could.

Ryu sidestepped him and grabbed his arm, swinging the boy to the floor. "Don't be so rude now~ just sit and watch"

"What are you doing!?" Tatsu yelled and Ryu stepped on him, chuckling once more.

"Making things more interesting for myself~"

Ryu looked Kyo in the eyes once again, the boy everyone put their faith in, the boy who felt the glory of a temporary hero and....

Deleted the sticker.


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