Let The Games Begin (3/?)

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"Thirty minutes, that's all we have to gather one hundred or more viewers, if we fail we are done for." Kyo told Futaba, who was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed.

"Any ideas we should try?" She asked. Kyo went over to tv, deciding to go through other channels.

"Marble said we are all streaming, meaning we should be able to see what other people are doing."

Futaba's eyes sparkled in awe, "of course! We might get inspiration from them! Everyone follows a trend and people eat it up."

The two of them looked at various channels and saw all types of things.

Two women were giving a makeup tutorial.

A mother and her son were doing a play.

And a young man was break dancing.

These were just some of the wholesome things, the two of course encountered some more spicy streams.

Two young men were both on the couch, holding hands and making out shirtless.

Same thing on another channel but this time with two girls.

Another channel were a man and woman doing some dominatrix act.

"J-jeez, these guys have no shame do they?" Asked Futaba as she blushed slightly at the sights before her.

"You're really talking about shame when you take photos like that?" Replied Kyo, referring to the picture Futaba had of herself in the mirror.

"Hey! I'll have you know that my audience likes it, I like to tease them every now and then." She stuck her tongue out at him, "besides you can't judge me based on one picture you saw of me!"

The boy rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively at her. "Yeah, yeah. Keep your hobbies to yourself, I don't want to know more about you than I have to."

Kyo kept looking through channels and saw Yuichi, he was sitting on the couch in his booth and drawing for his audience. He had a total of 40 viewers, which isn't bad, Kyo assumed most were probably ones you liked him already. His followers may have left him once he was trapped but maybe they feel guilty and want to support him by helping in this game.

It was sweet in a way but also kinda selfish in another sense, leaving someone so you won't die yet you return to help them is honorable but also you must have quite the ego if you think the one you abandoned will forgive you.

"Seems like he's okay.." Kyo muttered and changed the channel, when he did he saw something that surprised him.

Two teen boys were just sitting on the couch. One boy had short length white hair and yellow eyes, wearing a black jacket with a long white stripe going down both sleeves and had on dark blue shorts with white sneakers.

The other boy had short length black hair and red eyes, wearing a white shirt with a black skull on it and had on black ripped jeans with black and white sneakers. For an accessory he had a black wrist band on his left arm.

While the two were just sitting their the white haired boy was speaking to the audience in a cheerful tone.

"Thank you for giving us so many views! Keep them coming guys!" He cheered, smiling happily, "the support is truly worth it!"

"Support? Kyo! Look at their views!"

Kyo looked at their view count and saw that they had a total of one thousand views!

"W-what? How did they manage that?" Kyo couldn't understand this, they weren't doing anything spectacular, they were literally just sitting, the white haired boy was all cheerful and the other one.. just by looking at him he gave off a strange aura, it was indescribable but he just felt like bad news.

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