🐺Chapter 2

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Sunlight flooded from the opening of the curtains in Calli's room. She commanded her body to move her legs and walk over to the beeping alarm clock that sat on her nightstand but they wouldn't budge. She threw a pillow at the alarm and it fell on the floor with a thud, still ringing loudly. Nico busted through her door and threw his pillow at the alarm clock which made it stop.

"No one can survive the wrath of Nico the Mighty alpha!" he shouted out and ran out of the room like Naruto. Then he returned to take his astronaut pillow and ran out again. Calli couldn't stop laughing at his behaviour. She smilingly went to her bathroom after her legs finally started moving and got ready to go to school.

She threw on an old dark green sweater which had a picture of Morticia Addams printed on it and some loose jeans which had a single lightning strike painted on it by her friend who worked at a thrift store. She combed down her short, wavy dark brown hair and adjusted her bangs as Nico told her she looked like she was shocked by the lightning strike on her jeans before.

The bus honked outside their house as Callisto and Nico stuffed their faces with cereal and ran out of the house in a hurry. They got into the giant yellow rectangle and drove off into the sunset. Maybe school is less a sunset and more a sort of hell but it was not always so bad.

They arrived at Eventide Academy. Calli waved goodbye to Nico and went into the side of school for the freshman and above while Nico went to the younger grade buildings opposite to them: she was a senior. The tall, stone walls of the school greeted her with a cold feeling as she touched them. It being a public school didn't stop the government from making it look very fancy. It could beat all the schools surrounding them in appearance but as for the education, she didn't know. A tall waterfall splashed next to the entrance of the building, covered in various wines and flowers. It truly was a refreshing view.

The bell rang and students scrambled into their classes but a few sluggishly walked to intentionally take up the time. Calli had biology for the first period which she excelled at. She got to class and sat next to her friend Mark. She had a lot of friends but didn't truly have a best friend whom she could share her deepest darkest secrets with. Most of her friends were human but some were lycanthropes. Mark was a human and was hilarious.

"Good morning Calli Poo," he said singing the 'Poo' part.

"Anything but Poo Mark," she replied.

"Calli Boo?"


"Another dude calling you that will be very weird but fortunately for you I am very gay."

"And very glitter obsessed," Calli said and eyed Mark's sparkly sequin shirt.

"Honey sequins and glitter are not the same thing! Get it right," he gasped dramatically and playfully smacked her head which caused her to giggle.

The teacher entered the classroom and started questioning children about the basics of the palisade cells in a leaf and the different functions of the various other components of the leaf. Most of the questions were answered by Callisto who got side eyed by more than a few people. But why should she care? She did raise her hand and the teacher did select her: mostly because her explanations were very well done and crystal clear. People raised their hands just to pretend they knew the answers so they won't actually get picked and the teacher knew that which was another reason why she picked Callisto. Besides, Mark was cheering her on all the while.

The next bell rang and echoed through the hallways of the building as Callisto made her way into the class she slightly disliked. Mathematics was fun at first but then the golden boy of the school joined and made it less fun. Why you may question?

Well... Luca Andino is admired and nice on the outside but is a big ol' bully on the inside. He is also the Zeta of the Silver Flare pack and is surrounded by his "friends". Calli suspects them only being associated with him out of fear since he is the war general. Luca was remarkable at math and liked to rub it in everyone's faces, indirectly, especially hers. Maybe that's what everyone at biology feels about her; even though she doesn't intend on rubbing it in their faces.

He was also a friend of hers, or he thought he was. She just pitied him because of the whole friends fearing him reason so she let him believe it. He is the most bipolar individual she has ever met. One moment he was the oh so admired golden boy full of sunshine and happiness and then a bully. His methods of bullying are not extreme but it was still bullying, which was why Calli didn't really consider him a friend. But he was handsome. A lot of girls, and boys would totally agree with her on that note.

Luca flicked his hair dramatically when she walked by his desk and sat behind him in the seat she was assigned to be in for her whole senior year. He turned and hit her in the face with a crumpled paper ball. She took it and opened it up; a very unprofessionally drawn picture of Gru from Despicable Me was on the paper, labeled with an arrow that had 'you' written below it. She scribbled 'you are promoting paper wastage' in tiny letters and threw it at him. He turned around, shrugged and blew a kiss at her which she deliberately dodged, making him pout like the dachshund –of Mrs. Blythe's grumpy neighbor lady – when he couldn't find the newspaper on her doorstep for him to steal.

Cana Black glared at her from afar. She was the scary kid of the school. Callisto had seen others trying to converse with Cana but all failing and looking like blood drained corpses after. The girl had a resting glare so she wasn't sure if she was jealous or because she was examining her.

Her questions were cleared when Cana later approached her at lunch when she was sitting alone, nibbling on a french fry.

"Is that Morticia Addams?" she asked.

Callisto was very surprised and answered her about five seconds too late with a nod.

"You've watched the Addams Family?" Calli asked.

Cana nodded and smiled at her. Cana Black smiling? What a surprising situation. They were being stared at by a few people.

"My favourite movie actually," Cana said.

"Mine too!" Calli exclaimed and asked Cana if she would like to sit with her and the two of them talked about their favourite movie for the rest of the lunch break and secretly of werewolves. Cana's birthday was in January so she has already shifted. Calli asked her if she could describe her wolf to her and she did. Mark had gone to return his books back to the school library and told her he'd be right back. He would be in total shock at what is happening right now.

Cana Black was the Silver Flare Alpha's youngest daughter; something Calli did not know about before. She might as well have been living under a rock. Four years and this was the first time Cana had spoken to her.

A werewolf's fur colour did not depend on the human's hair colour so it wasn't a surprise when Cana said that her wolf was brown furred even though she had strawberry blonde locks. But the eyes of the human were passed down to the wolf and her wolf had eyes as black as coal. This was why werewolves could see as humans and not as actual wolves who couldn't distinguish certain colours as they have evolved to do.

Here is the crazy thing though. All of her friends, lycanthrope and human both thought she was human. She never told anyone about her being a rogue wolf as her being without pack will create chaos and convinced Nico not to tell anyone either. But her werewolf friends thought she just didn't mind being in company of creatures who were supposed to be folklore so they didn't suspect a thing. They could not whiff her scent as she had not yet shifted.

Her being human was exactly what she said to Cana. Guilt stirred in her stomach after Cana had just told her about her family's origin and rank and everything and even told her that she would show her wolf someday.

"Hope to talk to you again," Cana said and stood up, leaving the school cafeteria just as the bell rang. 

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