🐺Chapter 13

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Mark arrived at her house a few hours before the date to help her prepare. She has never been on a date before so her anxiety was kicking in. Mark had brought the makeup his parent's had gifted him on his birthday this year to Callisto's. He pulled out a whole foundation kit with a million shades. She whined about wearing foundation so they decided that it was not needed. Foundation generally made her face feel heavy and she didn't like the feeling.

Mark had done absolute masterpieces with eye shadows before. From butterfly looks to a whole avatar recreation on his face and his details were immaculate. He was very artistic; that was his talent. Callisto on the other hand, was not talented in that area. She could sing but when her voice cracks, she sounded like an otter in the desert. She could speak a few different languages but she doubted that it was a talent.

What she was talented in though was playing the piano. She had composed a few songs herself but they all jumped into the trash can after she wrote them down. She remembered her mother forcing her to play it in front of her (mother's) friends when she was younger and she did. She angrily played Turkish march by Mozart all the while glaring at her mother. She stopped playing a few years back though and the piano at her house was supposed to be collecting dust but it didn't because Nico saved it. They had had classes when they were very young –Calli was five when she got her first lesson – and now Callisto mastered most of Mozart and other songs and Nico too was very skilled at it.

"We should do some light makeup. Is blush fine?" Mark asked because Callisto had never spent money on makeup. The last time she touched makeup was when her mother had left it on a table by accident. She had tried doing makeup but failed horribly and ended up looking like a camel. Now that makeup was nowhere to be found and probably has expired considering the amount of time it existed.

Calli nodded and Mark started to work his magic.

"No keep your eyes closed!" he shrieked while applying some liquid eye liner on her face and she started to laugh.

When she finally saw her reflection, she was very happy with the outcome.

"Who's that sexy thing I see over there?" she sung Meghan Trainer turning to look in at her best friend.

"That's you, standing in the mirror!" he continued in excitement and adjusted her hair.

Callisto turned back to the mirror and gazed at herself again. Mark had done a wonderful job. She truly did look beautiful, not that she didn't look beautiful before. But this enhanced her features and made them pop. A light shimmery eye shadow was applied on her eyelid along with a light brush of blush on her cheeks and nose. Mascara hugged her lashes while gloss shimmered a top her pink lips. Her dark waves of hair held a tiny braid in the front.

"What am I gonna wear?"

"Let's see," Mark said and walked over to her closet and opened it. His dark brown eyes scanned the dresses she had.

"Why do you have like... only two dresses?" he asked.

"The dresses I like didn't really fit me properly," she explained.

"We have to go shopping someday then because this won't end well if we don't," he said.

"Where was that green one you had?" he questioned a guilty looking Callisto.

"It ripped the last time I tried it on. It was unstitchable according to Ava so I tore it and used it as a rag to hold the kettle and stuff," she went over to him and checked her closet with him. Mark chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"I should have thought this through and prepared," she said and sat on her bed, sighing.

"Hey who said you have to wear a dress?" Mark inquired, giving her a sly grin as he pulled out a jacket which was a gift from Ava, the girl who worked at the thrift store down the street. Callisto mirrored his expression and slipped it on. Under the jacket she wore a plain beige shirt with buttons and a dark green knee-length skirt. The khaki jacket hung beyond her butt and was over-sized and very comfortable. Ava Foreman had customized and doodled all over it beautifully.

Callisto admired vintage, aesthetically pleasing things and this was one her most prized possessions. It had a dark brown collar and the ends of the sleeves were also the same. The pocket of the jacket had Finn the human painted on it and Jake the dog poked his head out from the pocket. Pastel pink and white peony flowers were painted on the sleeves: Nico's favourite flower. Two cards were also painted on the jacket: A heart queen and an eight of diamonds. And many other doodles of mushrooms and other random things were displayed here and there on the fabric.

"It's like your carrying your whole personality with you," Mark said and admired the artwork of her jacket.

"I love this thing," she responded.

"What's not to love about it. Ava really went all out on this one," he said and smiled at the peony flowers. He knew.

Just like that, Nico came into her room gave her a wild flower.

"For good luck," he said and placed it in her palms. He and her father knew of the date and surprisingly their Pa didn't protest mostly because he didn't know that Luca was a werewolf. Instead he grinned at her and nodded his blonde and silver head. Callisto thanked Nico and kissed him on the cheek as he walked out of the room. She put the flower carefully into her pocket and patted it.

"Okay but girl you are killing this outfit!" Mark cheered and asked her to do a spin once she wore her black shoes with some frilly socks.

"You have to let me style you when you go on a date," Callisto commented.

"Deal," he smirked and fake spat on his palm and held it out to Callisto who did the same and shook his hand. Luca had insisted on picking her up but she told her that she'd come on her own because she didn't want him to pick up on her father's scent.

And so she got onto her bicycle after grabbing a small black purse and stuffing it with some of her saved money just in case. It would be embarrassing if she didn't have any greens with her on an occasion like this.

"Are you sure on going on your bicycle?" he asked.

"Yeah. Don't want him to pick my Pa's werewolf scent," she whispered and looked around nervously as Mark nodded.

"Well then Call Val, have fun! But not too much fun," he said and started laughing at Callisto's reaction. 


I love vintage items man. 

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