🐺Chapter 29

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The brown eyed girl returned home in low spirits but her brother cheered her up just like he always does. Maybe she was wrong, even if she does do everything for Nico, he also did simple things that helped her seek comfort and not go crazy.

The final few days before Callisto's birthday passed by in a rush and she stayed cooped up in her room for most of the weekend, occasionally getting a text message from Luca to check up on her and because he couldn't come visit her since her father was very alert now. She had also spent the Sunday showing Sakura around town after their shift ended at the cat café. She had planned on going to school in January to complete her exams and as she was a year younger than Callisto, she had a whole year before college comes.

Mark arrived home from the hospital and they video-called each other for hours, him shoving a handful of vibrant skittles into his mouth and testing five minute craft hacks just to prove how stupid some of them they were.

Tomorrow was her birthday and she was frantic, pacing around the room like a wolf even though she has yet to shift. She thought about everything bad that could happen, a habit she has always hated but her anxiety refused to release her from not continuing it. On the other hand she was excited to shift, to have the feel of being a wolf, a magnificent creature of folklore that roamed the grounds when the moon was out. Werewolves had the ability to shift even when the moon is not out. Some people think of it as a curse but the rest as a tremendous power gifted by the Gods. She was truly caught in a dilemma between which one she believed. She counted the seconds passing by on her fingers, her eyes being forced to look at the hands of the clock that ticked noisily in the abyss of silence that danced around her bedroom.

A knock on the door brought her to her senses and she slowly approached the door, opening it slightly to see her Pa on his wheelchair, patiently waiting for her to let him in. She did.

"How are you holding up?" he asked softly.

"I'm..." she didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry," Callisto said and looked at her feet in guilt. The weekend had given her enough time to think about the arguments she had with her father, remorse building up inside her bones when she realized that she was being dramatic and causing trouble for no reason.


"I said I'm sorry Pa. I really am. I am sorry for yelling at you and saying all those mean things and – and I – I'm," she trailed off as her father strolled towards her in his wheelchair and gently stroked her cheek, pulling her into a warm embrace. Callisto didn't weep. Instead, she smiled. A genuine smile.

"It's okay sweet pea. I'm sorry too," he replied and let her stay as she was, her head lying on his broad shoulder.

"It's okay. I forgive you," she said as Nico came in and joined them in the hug while all of them laughed.

"Well this is nice," Pa said.

"Yes it is," Nico beamed, his floral pajamas hanging on his small frame like a kite.

"Now, Calli. What are we going to do?" Pa inquired.

"I guess I'll have to go to college somewhere with humans and no werewolves."

"I guess so," he sighed.

"But what about your uhh – boy?"

Callisto's face was coated with a deep red and she chuckled nervously.

"He won't come here because of well, you."


"Does he know that you are a rogue wolf?"

Callisto froze. She had not mentioned any of this to her father before and it made her blood curdle to speak to him about it. She was determined not to lie while but he was in a good mood.



Guilt stirred inside her and Nico looked at her sorrowfully through his fogged glasses, fiddling with his fingers and walking out to 'make a sandwich'. Callisto insisted on making something for them, to get rid of her jitters and also the guilt that was eating away her feelings.


Oil sizzled on the hot metal pan, melting the salted butter into bubbles that roared when the onions were added. Callisto placed the streaks of marinated raw chicken onto the pan, their skin turning into a crispy golden brown hue which made Nico look at it longingly. She chuckled and went back to prepare dinner.


Callisto couldn't sleep. She was wide awake in her bed, wondering what would happen. She would be a wolf by tomorrow night so she couldn't go out to meet anybody who didn't know her secrets. The curtains of her window were still, intricate details of swirling leaves embroidered into the cloth by her dear mother. Callisto recalled her angelic face and sweet moments as a wave of sadness washed over her body which made her sit upright. Her legs dangled on the side before she stood and squinted her eyes to check the time in the dim moonlight. 11: 56 it read.

Calli walked over to the window and opened it as a gush of winter wind swept past her, making the curtains fly like a cape. She sat on the sill and checked her view: A tree towered next to her room, its branches twisting to create horrifying shadow illusions that projected themselves on the wall behind her. She let the cold prickle her skin, like a thousand needles, making the hair at the back of her neck stand at attention like soldiers. She'd welcome anything at this moment, to distract her from her nervous jitters.

The sky above was murky, stars concealed by the heavy grey clouds occupied with droplets of rain, preparing to fall as if the Gods in heaven were weeping at the human's stupidity. But instead of rain – as she had suspected – a single frost flake fell onto her lap gracefully, followed by dozens of its family: all the shape of icy flower crystals that glistened in the pale blue moonlight that seeped through the clouds. It was snowing. Yet it seemed as if it was not going to last that long unlike the snowfall in the chilly months of February or in the middle of December. Callisto gently picked up the tiny snowflake and scrutinized it, the shape was truly mesmerizing, nature always was surprising, and it was not just a bare blue, silver and ivory tinted its centre, the lovely colours gradienting to a heavenly pastel blue at the tips. The snow melted on her fingertip as she brushed off the rest that had fallen onto her nightgown and then she went to bed, finally composed enough to rest.


Gradienting... pfft

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