🐺Chapter 34

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The waiter then left the two who watched him go deeper into the hallway and disappear.

"So they're not even here!" Mark yelled quietly and flailed his arms in the air as a gesture of defeat.

"We have to check the place just in case," Luca said and walked into the crowd when Mark hurled him backwards with a scowl on his face.

"Well if Cana was here wouldn't she be able to get your scent?"

"There are too many werewolves here. Don't worry, my scent is muffled up."

Luca suggested that they split up and search the place for Callisto. Luca headed towards another corridor while Mark cruised through the crowd, examining the room for a short haired brunette.

"They aren't here. Let's go," Mark said once they met up again.

They were about to exit the premises when a tall man blocked them. Ambrose Black stood in front of them, his muscled arms crossed, a tattoo of a skull painted atop his hairy skin where faint scars could be seen.

"Zeta," he acknowledged Luca who held his head down slightly.

"Alpha Ambrose," he replied, his hazel eyes still gazing at the floor while his hands were fisted at his sides.

"Come with me Luca," Alpha Ambrose said and strolled away slowly, expecting the Zeta to follow him.

"Find her," Luca growled frustratedly at Mark who nodded and ran out.

Callisto Orpheus

The colour of the world sluggishly returned to her eyes as Callisto moved her head upwards unenergetically. The wind whistled outside; the only sound in the pin drop silence of the gloomy room where Calli stayed, her arms and legs tightly chained to an iron chair. Her skin had bruises where it was chained while her palms were bloody from previously attempting to open the window at the café. She looked around slowly, her eyes narrowing to perceive through the darkness that engulfed her, the smell of her blood lingering in the air.

A sudden thunk stole her attention while she wriggled in her seat trying to escape. The sound transformed into a loud screech as the roof above her spilt into two to reveal a large round skylight: a waterfall of moonlight rained down upon her as the full moon stared at her through the glass, watching her hopeless eyes turn glossy. She sobbed and thrashed around, a short scream escaping her throat which was sore.

"It's beautiful is it not? The moon?" Cana asked, her coal black eyes gazing up at the cratered object floating in the sky, a frown haunting her face. She stood with her hands behind her back, her position like a soldier in the army.

"Do you know that quote, with freedom, books, flowers, and the Moon, who could not be happy?" Cana questioned.

"Glad you think this is the time to be quoting Oscar Wilde at me," Callisto commented.

"With the moon, who could not be happy?" she repeated, ignoring Callisto's remark.

"I think I know the answer to that question. Little Callisto will forever be holding a grudge against the moon for revealing the truth: the truth about her identity," Cana added, her eyes flickering over to the girl who scowled in fear and fury.

"You know nothing about me," Callisto spat, venom lacing her voice.

"My father always told me that the moon seizes the secrets of the lycanthropes. The moon knows all but says nothing. She is loyal to her companions, like a lycanthrope should be to its pack. I will be unloyal to my pack if I protected the threats that tend to tear us apart," Cana stated coldly, her face burning with hatred.

"How am I a threat to you?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Did you think Astrid wouldn't tell me about your whole "rogue" situation?"

"A secret of mine that the moon knows but won't say is that I think Astrid is a lunatic."

"Are you trying to make me kill you?"

"Well you're going to do it anyways so why not now!"

Cana came to Callisto's side abruptly and knelt down, her wrinkled shirt sleeves rolled up to her elbows, her hair held back in a ponytail. The blonde girl smirked at the other female's discomfort and stood slightly to whisper something in her ear.

"I want to see your wolf first," she said teasingly which made Calli's eyes widen while she yanked at the chains again.

"You know, come to think of it. I told you when we first met that I'd show you my wolf but I never did."

"So you remembered."

"Of course. Why don't I show you now eh?"

The female stepped back, away from Callisto's sight and gave out a low laugh. A whirl of wind brushed the Callisto's back – the hair on her neck stood upright – as she held in her breath. A low, guttural growl was heard behind her, the sound of footsteps approaching filling the air.

Calli's eyes whirled towards the gigantic wolf that pranced around her like a panther ready to strike at its prey. Her pelt was a deep brown, hints of gold and black and ivory peeking through the sea of fur; her forehead held a patch of white fur, the shape of a single teardrop. Obsidian eyes glared at Callisto who was too stunned to speak. 

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