🐺Chapter 6

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The school hours passed by hastily and Calli went to the bus when someone yelled "Goodbye Shroomy!" from somewhere. She turned and as expected, Whiskers was frantically waving at her from beyond the bus windows. The bus moved when she started laughing like a maniac at the nickname.

The girls and boys in front and behind her in the bus waved at Luca. Nico who sat next to her waved at him too. She giggled and waved at Luca too. He smiled at her and once again she flushed under the gaze of the warrior wolf.

Once she cleaned herself, did the laundry and made lunch, she checked her phone for more updates from Rapha. She had sent her pictures of her clipboard regarding her father's state and he was to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. She also examined his leg and suggested putting him on a wheel chair. The virus was not very deadly because only a small amount of wolfsbane was used to create it. It's as if this were a test; just to see if the pill worked. But how did Mrs. Lee even get it? Had she been creating these? Her mind only went to one solution to all these thoughts. She had to break into Dolores Lee's house; tonight.

She texted Mark about this and he was not by any means going to let her do it alone.

"You know who else we should bring?" he texted.



"No way in Satan's Sauna!"



Mark gave up pleading and agreed to meet her at her house at seven pm. Why not bring Luca? He will be able to catch her father's scent! And then her worst nightmare will come to life. Besides, he will find out about the 'oophaga poison' being the untruth if they found any pills. He has shifted too so it will only cause him more danger.

The time came and Mark arrived punctually. He was dressed like a robber in a black turtleneck and pants with a tight belt.

"What are you wearing?" he asked Callisto while he eyed her big grey hoodie and black pants.

"Something that doesn't look suspicious like that," she replied and pointed her pointer finger at Mark's mask.

"I stole Tina's ginormous sock puppet and transformed it into a mask. I have a death sentence back home which is why I will wear this," he said and Callisto started wheezing like a kettle. Mark had two brothers and twin sisters, all of them younger than him. Tina, one of the twins was a psychopath according to Mark though Callisto disagrees.

They waited for Nico to go to bed and crept out of the house with a flashlight. Nico had an escape route if something happened, a door behind his bookshelf but she double checked all the doors and windows to see if they were locked because she won't take any chances.

Mark started humming the mission impossible theme song and Calli shushed him. They made their way into Mrs. Lee's street and slowly came by her large silver gate, surrounded by a tall, flat stone fence which had glass shards on top of it. The tips of the gate were pointed like spears to keep out trespassers and mostly werewolves. She couldn't get in as the silver will burn her skin.

"Look. There is a crack in the stone over there. How convenient," Mark whispered and pointed at the crack.

"We can fit in it," Callisto calculated and the two tip-toed to the crack. The whole street was deathly silent except for a few dogs barking in the neighbors' houses. Mark slipped in first and then Callisto. Good thing she was lacking in the chest department or else she wouldn't have been able to get through. In front of them was a giant mansion, normally concealed by the stone fence. It looked blood-curdling with moss growing all over the house and two long dirty ponds stretched across the yard, one on each side which created a pathway leading towards the possibly haunted building. No one has taken care of the place it seemed. The ground was covered in gravel where they stood and dead grass was everywhere else.

"I think I pissed my pants," Mark said, looking at the surrounding with wide eyes.

"How does that woman live here?" Callisto inquired as they silently walked over to the staircase of the mansion.

"Was it a good idea coming at night?" Mark asked.

Callisto didn't answer and examined the door.

"I'll take that as a no," Mark said and came over to her.

"She has a doggy door!" Callisto screeched silently.

"I doubt she had time to lock it when she went to prison," she added.

"I don't think Mrs. Lee even had a strong backbone to bend down and lock it. Let's see if we can open it," Mark said and bent down to push the opening at the bottom of the door. A spider popped out and Mark soundlessly screamed and rolled away from the door like a coin.

"Hey, hey it's okay. Just a cute little spider," she comforted Mark.

"Cute!?" he exclaimed quietly.

"Ms. Girl, you are absolutely bonkers," he appended and got to his feet as Callisto held her knees and started shaking from laughter.

"Take it away from me or I'll shoe it."

"Breathe Mark Helios. Breathe."

"Oh no! I forgot how to!" he said sarcastically as Calli smilingly rolled her eyes and wiggled her finger at the tiny creature who yeeted itself away.

"It pointed its spidery middle finger at us!" Mark gasped dramatically and pointed at the spider that was no longer in its spot.

"It has the right to. We are invading its home," Calli said and pushed herself through the square door. Mark followed and they scrutinized the interior of the structure with the assistance of their flashlights. It was as expected, ancient looking yet homey. Giant arm chairs sat around an extinguished fire place. The glass chandelier –hanging in the middle of the ceiling –spiraled in a pattern that made the diamond shaped glass pieces dangle about twenty feet from the wooden floor from thin golden wires. It was covered in cob webs and was not on. A grand staircase was behind the chairs, the torches that have been glued onto the walls parallel to the railings glowing. The place looked positively haunted.


Do you hate spiders??

Also, thank you again for choosing to read this. Loads of love and sparkles from me.

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