🐺Chapter 5

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The bells rang monotonously and everyone went into their next class. Calli was sitting at the front in her Spanish class, answering a pop quiz when Whiskers burst in.

"Mr. Andino. May I ask why you are late?" Mrs. Catalina inquired.

"Sorry but no you may not," he said and turned to the students.

"I am very sorry to all of you whom I have bullied. I am convinced that it makes me seem like a depressed turd," he continued and turned to Calli. Yes he did look like one when he sweetly threatens people into give him their lunch money or calling people names.

"Therefor I will not do it again," he finished and stuffed his hands in his pockets. One moment lead to the next and everyone started clapping suddenly. People were on their feet throwing the pop quizzes into the air and Mrs. Catalina was yelling at everyone in Spanish. It was a surreal moment.

"Detention Mr. Andino!" Mrs. Catalina yelled over the cheers and hooting.

"Totally worth it," he said and sat at his desk, fist bumping his "buddy" and started completing his quiz with a serious face like nothing happened. Bipolar. Absolutely bipolar. She stared at him for a while, searching his face for something but she didn't know what. He caught her staring and winked at her, smiling a dimply smile. She turned into a tomato and stood up to give her quiz to Mrs. Catalina.

The bell rang indicating class was over and everyone got up to go. Callisto snuck up on Luca.

"What a show you performed back in there Whiskers," she said while they walked to their final class of the day.

"I deserve an award for that," he praised himself and gave himself an ego boost.

"I should give you a nickname too. I'll keep thinking of one," he said and she wished him good luck on that and left to find Mark in her class.


Short Chapter. Sorry. 

*Awkward laughing*

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