🐺Chapter 30

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"Ouch!" Callisto woke up the next morning with Nico and Mark jumping like lunatics on her bed singing Happy Birthday awfully out of key.

"Happy Birthday you nutcase!" Mark exclaimed excitedly, half of his head still wrapped in bandages like the ancient Egyptian mummies, his deep brown eyes staring at the dishevelled girl in joy.

"Happy Birthday Callisto!" Nico yelled and she managed to huff out a laugh while pulling at the sheet which made the two males stumble off the bed and land on their behinds. Callisto burst into a fit of laughter, joined by the boys in a few moments and she miraculously fell asleep again.

"I swear she's going to shift into a grizzly bear," she heard Mark say and some of her energy returned to her body as she sloppily threw a pillow at him to which he dramatically died. All the amusement died when her father entered the room, a frosted vanilla cake planted on top of his strong hands upon a large grey plate, crushed cashews resting peacefully around and atop the snow white frosting where candles with red and white swirls glinted with a bright orange flame. A smile was dancing on his face, a real smile that lifted his ears and lit up his face like a sparkler. Callisto almost cried, all the nervousness vanished like an impermanent spell. Pure happiness built up in her heart and mind as she got out from bed –passing a grinning Nico and a teary eyed Mark – to her Pa.

"Make a wish," he said and let Calli think.

'I wish ....'

She blew on the candles carefully, making sure not to pass any saliva onto the cake.

"Happy birthday sweet pea," Pa said.


"That's your third piece of cake. Are you sure you're fine?" Mark questioned, pointing his fork at Callisto accusingly.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I am perfectly capable of being composed," she breathed heavily and sated her face with cake, wiping the back of her hand along her mouth to remove the icing that rebelled to enter her gut.

"As long as you don't go meet anyone, you'll be out of trouble," Pa said and chugged a glass of water.

"If I don't go meet anyone ever again that is. I can't stay in this house all the time."

"We'll figure it out."


Mark looked at Calli from the corner of his eye and she nodded her head ever so slightly. She knew what he meant. 'Are you going to meet Luca?'

Her Pa wouldn't allow it but she was planning on going before she shifted so she thought it would probably go well, as long as she didn't meet anyone else. Her phone tinged at a notification and as if he read her mind, Luca had texted her.

"Happy Birthday Callisto!"

"Hehe. Shmanks"

"So r u like going to meet me at Sid's Cafe today?"

"Oh yeah. Yes yes"

"Great. At 6 then?"

"Hmm... but won't that be like ehehe too late?"

"Nah. It'll be safe"

"Okay then"




"Where's my bloody phone?!" Luca screamed in frustration as he threw the pillows on his couch to the ground, the activity scaring his mother who was a delicate soul. He had been searching for his phone for the past hour, trying all sorts of methods but not having any luck. He sat on the floor like a small child who lost his lollipop and stared emotionlessly into the floor.

"Have you searched the warehouse?" his mother, Marylyn, asked while fumbling around the drawers to help her son.

"I checked. But I'll do it again," Luca replied and stood up, hugging his mother before he jogged to his car.


The cloudless sky was a beautiful shade of blue, the sun smiling and spreading its joy as the rays of sunlight, which were absorbed by the solar panels on the warehouse. The warehouse was the head-quarters for the Silver Flare pack, to avoid suspicion from humans. It was an enormous rectangular building the colour of soft sand at the beach shore, its square windows attached with a sticker that made it impossible to see what was happening inside and yet the people inside could clearly perceive the outside just like in a vehicle. It was also a business run by Cana's father so there were no other non-lycanthropes around, except for the few who knew about their kind and accepted them.

Luca sprinted to the entrance, impatient to wish Callisto. He bumped into Cana at the entrance who squeaked and apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay," he reassured her for the third time.

"Okay then."

Cursing under his breath, Luca strutted into the large room stacked neatly with cardboard boxes, held together by colossal steel racks painted a bright sky blue. There was a table at near the wall that was opposite to him and on the piece of wooden furniture was his phone. He ran to it and grabbed it in urgency.

Luca then opened his phone only to find everything gone. Contacts, Applications and even the wallpaper has disappeared. Cana was nowhere to be seen. He scrambled to Mark's house but all he really wanted was to go to Callisto's house but her father was present at the moment.

'That old brute!' he thought angrily and then sighed. 


Hola people. I am sooo caught up in schoolwork but I'll try my best to update!

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