🐺Chapter 32

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"You are forgetting your gifts," Cana said but the uneasiness that stirred up inside Callisto didn't dissipate. Does Cana know? How does she know? What is happening?

"Oh yeah," Callisto replied and plastered on a fake smile. "Well better go get them then."


The gifts were the last thing she was concerned about at the moment. She glanced around for the nearest exit while her company talked away. Wait! There was a window in the restroom! She could use that as an escape route but she still needed to retrieve her phone which she assumed was with Cana.


With the gifts set into one bag she kept it on the table and looked at Cana's direction. Her phone was still in her hands, the black cover glinting in the bulb light of the café. She needed a distraction. But what?

Maybe she could snatch it and run away but that would cause unnecessary attention. An idea popped into her mind and she gently scooted over to the opposite side of the counter and hid beneath it. The other's too busy to notice her lack of presence. The phone of the café rested atop the counter and she swiftly grabbed it. Calling Mark or Luca wouldn't do her any help. They couldn't come and save her, she had to do it on her own. Calli punched her number on the phone and dialed it.

Cana Black

The hand on her phone buzzed and she yanked it up to her face to see the caller ID of Callisto's phone. Unknown Number. Cana ignored it and threw the phone onto the table where it bounced once and then laid flat. The music blared from the speakers and people started walking over to the dance floor. Cana had other plans. She walked over the place to find the short haired girl.

Callisto Orpheus

'Yes!' she thought and decided to celebrate her accomplishment of getting Cana to drop her phone in the restroom. She saw Cana searching for someone... most likely her.

Calli swiftly jumped over the counter and landed in front of the dancing crowd, the music too loud to hear her thud. She rushed towards the wall and gently pushed past people who were making out and gyrating to get to the table that held her phone. Luck was on her side and her hands immediately wrapped around the device. She then paced towards the restroom and shut the door behind her when she heard a click from the outside. What the hell?

She tried opening it just out of curiosity only to find it locked from the outside. She yanked at the door handle again but it wouldn't budge.

'Cana I know this is your doing,' she thought and cursed under her breath. The strawberry blonde's plan then revealed itself in Callisto's head and her eyes widened.

'She's trying to see if I am actually a werewolf! That's why she threw me the party! That's why she locked me in here! So that she would be there when I shift!'

"Two can play at that game," she whispered to herself and started acting as if she was actually locked because if she didn't even try to knock Cana would know something was up. For all she knew, Cana could be on the outside right now. After a few minutes of knocking she silently went over to the window which was locked.

'No! No! No!'

Tears welled up in her corneas as she pulled and pushed at the window handle that stayed glued to its place. The outside was dark and she knew that beyond the window was an empty alleyway. Her heart hammered against her chest loudly, the sound diffusing into her ears like music. With red and almost bruised hands, Calli kicked at the glass with great force but it didn't shatter. The only thing shattering was her hopes of escaping.


Excuse me for my absence ladies and gentlemen.

I have been having exams and now that they r over... for now, I can finally continue. So enjoy <3

- Author

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