🐺Chapter 21

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After the argument with her father, Callisto asked Nico if he can make some sandwiches and give some to their father too. He silently nodded (Possibly over-hearing) the yelling and went to make the sandwiches.

Her father didn't know anything about the Astrid situation and she wasn't going to tell him either. His probable solution will be to move again and she wasn't going to do that. So she stayed in bed and cried herself to sleep.


The morning arrived and Callisto woke up with a very sore face from crying. She trudged into the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror. Her face was puffy and her dark hair stuck out in all directions. She looked like she touched an electric eel. Calli picked up her hairbrush and combed through her mane.

After finally calming her hair down, she stepped into the shower and washed herself. She needed energy and a cold shower would help. And coffee. She threw on a simple grey cotton dress with white shoes and headed out: a light touch of mascara lengthening her short lashes.

The sister and brother arrived early at school and waved each other goodbye. Callisto checked her surrounding for a certain strawberry blonde and sighed in relief when she didn't find her. She went over to the waterfall at her building and inhaled deeply. She bent over, keeping her legs together and touched one of the blue water lilies at the base of the waterfall and the soft petals made her placid. A tiny frog nearby croaked and hopped onto her hand. She gently placed it on a lily pad and wiped its slimy mucus from her hand.

"Do you ever regret yelling at your father?" she asked the frog, pretending that she'll get a response from a creature who spoke a different language: entirely different from the human languages.

"I mean, anger took over me but he did deserve it didn't he? After all these years he comes to ask for forgiveness but I don't think I can forgive him so easily. And yes I was happy to see him happy that day we came home to find him discharged from the hospital. But that was out of relief. That's different... you know? It was quite shocking to see him actually paying attention to us and it makes me suspicious." she continued.

"Whoa. Prince Naveen is behind you princess," Luca said but didn't come close to the water. Callisto smiled up at him and stood up. He embraced her and his eyes landed on the frog.

"She's mine," he growled at the little frog who backed away slightly. Calli was reminded of his wolf; a gentle creature of fairytales.

"Are you jealous... of a frog?" she asked, her cheeks tinted from his previous comment.

"How can I not be when he's staring at my ange–" now Luca's cheeks were red and he cautiously looked at the brown eyed girl who giggled. The tiny frog – who supposedly backed away – jumped and landed on Luca's right shoulder and he shrieked. Wow, the war general of a werewolf pack is afraid of frogs... but who is she to judge right? He danced around screaming as Callisto laughed and told him to calm down while gently grabbing the creature and placing it on a lily pad where water droplets rested peacefully.

She went on her tip toes and pecked him on the cheek and he turned beet red but laughed it off. The people passing by were eyeing them, interested in the situation.

"Why is Luca turning into a strawberry?" Mark asked, walking over to them wearing a large neon pink shirt and jeans.

"Wait. Let me guess. She kissed you on the cheek didn't she?" he assumed.

"How did you know?" Luca questioned.

"I know her well enough to guess. And as I assumed, I'm right."

Mark and Callisto laughed that one laughed which made Luca snort and went into the building for the final time this year. 



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