🐺Chapter 11

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Saturday morning required her to go to the Japanese cat café she worked for. The words 'Cats and Coffee' was displayed out front in pink Japanese letters. The English translation rested below it in smaller letters. She entered the pastel colours themed café where multiple cats and kittens were either playing or sleeping. In the middle was a tree with a pastel yellow circular seat surrounding it. Tiny fairy lights were hung on the branches and allowed to dangle. A cat was trying to catch one by jumping but was failing miserably. Hoshi Takahashi, the owner (a human who knew of werewolves) greeted her and told her to open the café. Hoshi prevented her employees from calling her Mrs. Hoshi because it made her feel old so they just called her Hoshi. Callisto went over to the closed sign and flipped it over. She straightened her uniform which was a white short sleeved shirt with collars, black pants with suspenders, a short –pastel coloured –bistro apron of sort that curved at the bottom with a cute cat pattern and a matching ribbon around the collar. (The colours were different for each employee though sometimes the same, and for her it was pastel purple or lavender)

Aesthetic plants were hung and kept all around the place. Callisto went over to the counter where she was to be making coffee and petted a chubby black cat who purred under her touch. She then washed her hands with the rose scented soap and wore gloves as she started to make her first order of the day for a beautiful blonde girl. Even though it was a coffee shop, it also had various Japanese snacks and boba and stuff.

After an hour or so, Hoshi requested to see her so she left her spot to meet the fair Japanese lady. She knocked on the door of her office and half opened it to see her boss at her desk. Her long black hair was in a neat tight bun which framed her oval face. She was talking to someone else.

Hoshi saw Callisto and allowed her to enter and Calli was able to see who she was talking to. In the room was a very attractive Japanese girl with long wavy hair of deep red. Her bangs were curled prettily and her brown eyes received Calli happily with a smile. She stood shyly in the big office, her cheeks rosy, wearing a yellow sundress with tiny daisies printed on it. Around her neck was a beaded necklace that spelled sakura.

"This is my niece, Sakura. She'll work here from today onwards. I just wanted to introduce you," Hoshi said while Sakura took Callisto's hand and shook it, bending her head in the process. Calli smiled at her warmly and introduced herself.

Sakura got into uniform: a pastel pink apron and ribbon for her. The two of them got along well and Callisto was not surprised when she saw Sakura expertly making the boba and coffee. When all the customers were occupied doing their own tasks, the two of them talked about themselves. Sakura Mizuki was an omega of the crescent pack –which was a pack in town –and had been in Australia half her life which explained her accent. Her father, the brother of Hoshi (also human), and her mother, a wolf of the crescent pack, manages a company previously in Australia and now in Tokyo which was why she came here to stay with her aunt. She now wanted to go to a school in town and decided to work here for a while.

"But I won't be going to school for a few months more. I need to... adjust first," she said and asked Callisto for any school recommendations.

"You can come to my school," Callisto said and explained Eventide Academy in detail to a very interested Sakura who was lightly scratching the ear of a miniscule grey and white kitten.

Callisto explained about herself too, while a ginger cat rubbed itself around her leg, but left out the 'being a werewolf' thing from her like she did for everyone else. Her shift ended with her having a new friend who was all warmth, happiness and tranquility and her monthly payment.

The day passed by gradually and she had cleaned the whole house, except the attic with the help of Nico and almost yelled at her father for sleeping the whole day without helping but decided against it since he obviously needed to rest. Her selfishness should not affect his health. The wheelchair he was in was free as it was provided by an assistant program.

Luca had got her number somehow and texted her at noon.

"Hello sunshine," he had texted.

"Who is this?"

"You r bruising my ego Calli."


"I shaved it off!"

"Aww my poor baby whiskers. Not enough..."

"Not enough what??"

"Never mind"

"Okaaay then. Moving on Shroomy, tomorrow, 8 pm at Blurt's? I want u to be somewhere u r familiar with so u will have a more "comfortable" environment."

"Hhh... pretty smart lover boy"

"Hehe, so yeaaah??"

"Oh sorry. Yes, yes. It's brilliant."

"* Pats myself on the shoulder for being a genius*"

"*Laughing face emoji*"

"*Kissy face emoji*"

Callisto blushed at her screen and rethought about her obsession of having a mate. Luca was so sweet and such a big flirt but she didn't mind.

"Bye," she texted.

Luca sent a voice message saying 'Goooodnighhhtt Shrrooomyyy' and went offline while Calli read their conversation again and saved his number as, of course, Whiskers the Nutcracker, the latter for random reasons.

Callisto was eagerly waiting for the next day, for going on the date with Luca and also for the fact that her questions may or may not get their solutions. Worth knowing something than not knowing anything at all.


How r ya'll enjoying the story so far? 

I would honestly love to visit a cat cafe.

What do u think Calli was gonna say? "Not enough.... ehehehe"

The Howls of a Spirit ( Discontinued )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora