🐺Chapter 4

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Callisto woke up to the sound of a creak. Nico was fast asleep on the sofa and she gently laid his head on a cushion, wrapping her part of the blanket around him. Rain still poured outside, louder than before, and a peak through the curtains on the window revealed that it was still dark outside. She checked her phone for the time, one forty seven am it read.

A creak was heard again, from the kitchen. She looked at Nico and then at the fire place tools that was held on a stand near the flame. She quietly grabbed the sharpest tool, her heart rising every second, and slowly peeked into the kitchen through the open archway.

Her eyes widened in shock as she saw a figure standing in the dark room, carrying a torch pointed at the back door. The back door of the kitchen was being closed, making the creak noises that agitated her before. Then the umbrella was kept against the wall. Calli gripped her weapon tightly and quietly dialed 911 on her phone.

The torch was then brought upwards to the face of the mysterious figure. In the Orpheus's kitchen stood Dolores Lee, the cranky neighbor of Mrs. Blythe. Callisto was extremely flabbergasted. It was her who poisoned their father with wolfsbane!

Her wrinkly face wore a frown and her dull blue eyes scanned the kitchen suspiciously. She moved her thin figure towards the kitchen cabinet and slowly opened the one which contained her father's rum. She pulled out something from her pocket and slipped it into the now open bottle of alcohol. Callisto's assumption was correct! The torch exposed deep violet pills dropped into the rum bottles from the bony fingers of Dolores Lee.

Callisto forgot about the call and "nine one one, what's your emergency?" was loudly asked and Mrs. Lee who heard it swiftly moved about the room to her umbrella and ran out of the house, leaving the back door fully open. She was very strong for a lady of her age despite her being human.

"Hello?" the lady from the call asked.

"Yes. I umm... someone broke into my house."

"Your address ma'am?"

Callisto stood under an umbrella –Nico wrapped around her – as the sirens of police cars wailed around her, a blur of blue and red lights. She described the events and her father's state. The police examined the pills in the bottles and concluded Mrs. Lee being guilty. She twisted and turned, thrashing around like an animal as they police handcuffed her.

All this time she screamed, "They are werewolves! They are hideous evil creatures! They will kill us all!"

She shouted those sorts of lines over and over again until a policewoman told her to shut up and shoved her into the back of the police car. The chief officer, who was a close friend of her father, told the children that she was suffering from various mental illnesses according to her records. She had escaped from a mental asylum twice this year. This was a relief to Calli as she had gambled on the fact of the truth being revealed. The police just brushed it off since they have known her family for a long time and doubtlessly consider them innocent. Luck was on her side it seemed.

"Where are you taking her?" Nico asked from behind Callisto, nudging his head in the direction of the old lady who shouted at the police officers and demanded them to fetch her dog for her.

"To jail of course," Officer Harvey said to the little boy over the pouring rain.

"She is guilty for attempted murder and trespassing. Also from breaking out of a mental asylum," he added and adjusted his dark blue rain coat, his golden police badge reflected light from the headlights, shining in the darkness.

"We checked her house too. Lots of those pills were found but nothing else."

Nico didn't say anything and watched as Dolores Lee was taken away from their sight. Neighbors peeped from their respective houses to see what was going on.

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