🐺Chapter 12

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Calli woke up early and rode to deliver the newspapers she had received. After delivering most of them, she walked up to the big door where Mrs. Blythe lived. Her most probable source of information. She waited because Mrs. Blythe might suspect something if not. She placed a knock on the door and it opened fully revealing the plump lady standing in front of her. Her ginger hair which had highlights of copper and silver here and there was in a low bun and she wore a floral pajama with a flowy skirt that went all the way up to her fair ankles. She gave Callisto a warm smile and paid for the newspaper and gave Calli her tip.

"I heard about what happened. That lady was crazy from the start. The whole neighborhood knew about it. How foolish. How very foolish she was to pull a stunt like that," Mrs. Blythe said as she gave her the tip.

"Mrs. Blythe do you think she'll be missed?" Callisto asked smoothly, slowly trying to enter to the topic she wanted to discuss without looking suspicious.

"Not by us. The lady is a crack head. Pretty sure she was on drugs. The last time I saw her, she tried to hit a child with her cane on the street. She didn't even need that stick. It was I think, as the kids say, a fashion statement," Mrs. Blythe blabbered and her ocean eyes landed on the newspaper while Calli was surprised by her words about her neighbor.

"Oh look. Here it is," she added.

"What?" Callisto questioned.

"Here. Did you not see the headlines? I am pretty sure this mug shot right here says Dolores Carr Lee," the fair lady pointed at the paper of black and white.

Callisto's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Almost. Typed on the headlines in big bold letters was 'Dolores Carr Lee finally caught after escape from the Tulsidai mental asylum'.

This was not very big news apparently and it only said that Mrs. Lee was guilty of attempted murder and was finally caught after her great escape. Fortunately it didn't mention anything about the wolfsbane pills or about her family. Should she be concerned?

"They have not mentioned a single thing about what the rascal did to your father. What a shame. The news people are very inattentive these days," the red head spoke with irritation.

"I guess so. What do you think her family would think? Does the poor lady even have a family?" Callisto asked.

" Oh she does and she isn't one bit poor. Her husband, who was a very delightful man unfortunately deceased and he left his fortune to his wife and children. I even heard that she has a grandchild but I have never seen them."

"Any names?"

"I don't know. But they may get their grandparent's house to take charge of while she's gone. They have a lot of stuff to do then because the place is already a disaster. I went to give her some thanksgiving dinner a few months back and it looked like a graveyard. No, even a grave yard is maintained better. I would have kept it neatly with the help of Samuel of course but I've appointed myself to feed that poor dog despite him stealing my papers every morning."

"Who is Samuel?"

"Oh, Sam is my husband dearest of course. He went off to work this morning. He goes very early you see, and I always yell at him because he forgets to eat his breakfast," she chuckled.

Callisto also giggled at that and disappointedly thanked the lady and waved her goodbye. It's okay. Callisto was determined to remain optimistic. She'll find out one way or another.


Short Chapter but hang on to your story branch cause it's bout to get interesting.

*evil laughter*

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