🐺Chapter 17

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They returned to the diner's parking lot after Luca shifted back. The whole journey was peaceful and luckily they didn't run into any threats. He accepted that he couldn't come to her house with her father there.

"Thank you Luca. What you said to me back there and did, it comforted me a lot even though you may think it weird," she said as she got onto her vintage bicycle.

"I don't think it's weird. Not at all," he assured her and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He had stashed his clothes behind a tree before shifting and accidently stepped on it before. Now a big muddy paw print was painted on his jean leg. If people were around, some might know about his identity and the others might think something else like a bear missing a toe stepped on it. That may be more believable than werewolves to some.

She smiled at him and he seemed startled. He then smirked and kissed her on the cheek: now she was startled. She blushed heavily and laughed it off.

"Goodnight Shroomy. Hope to do this again sometime," he said and backed away.

"Night Whiskers. I hope so too," she said and waved him goodbye while riding away.

The streets were silent as ever, no vehicle in sight. She smiled into the night and stood from her bicycle seat, still pedaling. Her mate obsession was fading leisurely and her joy didn't dim one bit. The December breeze swept past her and her hair flew back gently to the rhythm of the wind.

It was currently eleven o'clock at night and the lights to her house were still on. Callisto brought her bicycle into the small garage where a white beetle car was parked, cob webs covering the tires and a thin layer of dust coating the shiny undersurface.

Her brother opened the door when she arrived at the doorstep.

"Pa is sleeping," he said. Callisto was quite relieved actually about that. She didn't want to explain to him about Luca.

"Look I found a picture of Ma," Nico said and dangled a photo of their mother in front of Calli's face. The beautiful woman sat near a window sill where sunlight speared down in gorgeous rays. Her brown hair was woven with the golden light and her blue eyes were captivating. She looked like a fallen star; full of brightness and warmth. In her hand was a book with a dark red cover and she was reading the aged pages. Behind her was an evergreen meadow of dandelions and daisies. She looked young, and the photo old but nevertheless beautiful.

"She looks like an angel right?" Nico asked and smiled at the photo as Callisto entered the house and closed the door behind her, locking it in place.

"Yeah. We'll find more in the attic when Pa's feeling better," she replied though that would be never. Her stupid fear of heights prevented her from finding them herself. Darn Astrid Lee!

Callisto gasped out loud at her thoughts. How could she have been so stupid? Astrid Lee! Dolores Lee!

He who put me here

It was because of Calli's father that she was in juvie. She must have seen him shift or suspected it on the day she pushed Callisto off a cliff!

"Are you okay Calli?" Nico questioned in worry.

"I'm fine maní. Shouldn't you be in bed? It's a school day tomorrow" she asked.

"I got excited to know what happened and to show you this," he explained and showed her the photo again. Callisto chuckled, giving him a kiss on the head and ruffling his pale hair. Internally she was panicking and she didn't need to transfer it to Nico.

"Well, it was great. You know Luca Andino right?" she inquired.

"Absolutely, who doesn't right? But isn't he a werewolf?"

"Uh huh."

"Callisto he'll pick up your scent when you shift."

"He knows."

Nico frowned at her. He knows the situation is perilous too but he has to understand her.

"Did you tell him?"



"I had to Nico. He knew about those pills. And he was going to come here to drop me off and I was running out of options and – and... I'm sorry," she spoke.

He ran to her and wrapped his small body around hers. His astronaut pajamas hung loosely on his small body and his glasses –too large for his face – were crooked before Calli adjusted them.

"I'm scared of what Pa would say," she said truthfully to her little brother who always listened to her problems and was one of the most bolstering people in her world.

"I won't tell him if you don't want me too. But you have to eventually Calli," he reassured her. She nodded into the hug and they parted to go to bed after saying goodnight to each other.

Callisto couldn't go to bed. She whipped out her phone and texted Mark who responded way too quickly. He would tell a tsunami to hold the hell up till he got all the details of her date. But she didn't tell him about it just yet.



"Yes!! And my stupid ass totally forgot about her!"

"This is the greatest plot twist ever!"

"Bro what the hell are we gonna do!?"

"We set a big ass mouse trap in her grandmother's house!"

"Where are we gonna get all the sticky stuff tho?"

"Hmm... where r we gonna get that?"

"Oh yeah and about that date... things got emotional and now Luca knows about me being a werewolf and all."


"I know right! Who would have known this would happen?"


Callisto explained to Mark through text about the date details while they were both trying to figure out how to deal with an angry werewolf despising girl.


Surprise Surprise! Did u see it coming?

Surprise Surprise! Did u see it coming?

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