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August 2014

"Don't marry him Hira, please." Ash-Leigh pleas as she takes Hira's warm hands into her own. She gently begins to rub the back of them with the pads of her thumbs while trying to contain the tears that were welling up in her brown eyes. "You don't want to marry him, you and I both know this!" Ash-Leigh proclaims as she lets Hira's hands go.

"I'm begging you, pleease." Ash-Leigh continues. Hira looks elsewhere and removes her tears before they get the chance to fall and ruin her makeup that took two hours to perfect. Instead, she tilts her head back just a little as an attempt to trap them which turned out to be useless; far too many tears were coming forth at once and no matter what she did to try and control them, they decided to take control over her instead. So much to the point that her vision was now blurred. She places her hand over her chest as she begins to panic to the point that her small cries elevate and sound more like muffled hiccups. "Sit down, Ash." She manages to say while patting the empty spot next to her. Ash-Leigh shakes her head and wipes away her own tears that had fallen with the back of her hand. "You're not about to sit here and talk to me like I'm some child!" Ash-Leigh cries out.

"Come sit next to me, please." Hira pleas with an extended hand. Ash-Leigh stares at her for a few seconds before she gives in and sits down beside her. She looks straight ahead out the window at the beautiful view while Hira tries to control her emotions by taking slow and steady breaths that were not working no matter how hard she tried.

Within the next hour she would be vowing herself to man for the rest of her life in front of family and friends

All while not truly loving him.

"I have to do this, Ash." Hira whispers.

"Says who baby, huh?" Ash-Leigh inquires, still keeping her eyes on the beautiful view in front of her as more tears roll down her tainted cheeks.

"Who said you had to marry him, Hira?" Ash-Leigh asks once again as she grabs Hira's hand and places it on her lap.

"Me." Hira mutters. Ash-Leigh let's her hand go and stands to her feet. She looks over her shoulder at Hira and can't help but to shake her head. She couldn't believe that she was really going through with this. Months ago she figured that Hira would change her mind the sooner the wedding date got but clearly not since she was indeed in her gown and ready to be escorted down the aisle by her father.

Hira removes herself from the king size bed she slept in the night before and walks over to the vanity a few feet away from her. She stands in front of the mirror and takes in her image while a faint smile appears on her face as she looks at the dress that took her soon to be husband six months to make with his own hands. She told him that she wanted the wedding dress of her dreams and he made sure to make that happen. It did not matter how many days and nights he spent locked away in his studio coming up with his creation.

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