chapter four

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


"You have everything packed right, I'm not about to mail you an outfit when you find out you left it behind." Maurice inquires as he places one of Ash-Leigh's suitcases beside the front door. "Yeah I think it is." She utters while she rests her hands in her hips, counting off everything she has brought with her. "If I do leave something here I'll just have to wait when I come back." She says more so to herself while zipping up her other suitcase.

"Oh, so you're deciding on coming back?" Maurice questions with a wide smile, showcasing his deep dimples. It was no secret that Ash-Leigh was his favorite sibling; the two were closer in age, spent more time together and just had a better bond so he was excited knowing that she wouldn't leave for another five years.
Ash-Leigh nods and looks his way. "I want to see you on your birthday." She voices, a smile creeping on her face.

"I don't think I can handle not seeing you of all people for years on end I mean I'm still trying to grip on the fact that you have two kids. Like wow the time has gone by so fast; the youngest is out here being a father." She says in awe as Maurice approaches with a cup of steaming hot coffee. She thanks him and sits down on the couch then brings to warm cup to her lips. She blows it softly and takes a sip. "If that's the case," Maurice trails off, taking a sip of his own cup. "Fly me out to Japan." Maurice replies, taking the empty stop beside her. Ash-Leigh looks at him with a raised brow and let's put a laugh. "Do you want to bring your kids." She questions, reaching for her cellphone on the dinette table.  Maurice nods and takes another sip from his coffee. "I hotta see what their mother's are doing before I book a flight with them out of the country." He expresses.

"I'll start making the arrangements now, let me know if anything changes okay." Ash-Leigh mutters as she scrolls through her phone, looking for the closet and highest rating hotel near her apartment. "I'll have my assistant on it." She tells him while sending Cheri a text message.

"Fair enough. Now tell me what happened between you and Hira." Maurice inquires with a smirk. Ash-Leigh glances at him then releases a breath. She has forgot that Maurice knew her than she knew herself at times. At times, he could easily tell when something was bothering her before she could due to Ash-Leigh having a hard time facing her feelings. Dismissing them and downplaying them was what always kept her level headed; It was her way of handling things.

"I just wish that she don't marry Taylor." She says quietly, running the tip of her finger along the brim of her coffee mug. "I'm still jealous, Maurice." She admits.

"I figured that being away would heal me in some way and for the most part it did. I left and got the career of my dreams; I was stress free and happy. I was able to go on with my day without thinking about her but as soon as I'm face to face with her.." she bites own in the inside of her cheek, making her words done to an abrupt stop. "It feels like I'm being hit with a semi-truck filled with emotions. I can't think straight when I'm around her and I try really hard to." She sighs and takes another sip from her coffee.

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