chapter ten

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A smile pulls at the ends of Ash-Leigh's lips when their driver finally pulls up in front of the luxury cabin the two would be sharing for the next twenty one days. Hira lifts her head and looks out the window at the thick blanket of snow covering the ground and the rooftops of the other cabins in the distance. "This is so beautiful." She says in awe, stepping down from the car.

The driver gets out and helps them with their luggage before saying his goodbyes and parting ways. "Ready?" Ash-Leigh smiles, anticipation rushing through her body. Hira nods sending her a smile nearly identical before following her to the front door of their vacation home with the faint sound of snow crushing underneath their feet.

Ash-Leigh drops her luggage as soon as her feet step over the threshold. She lets out a yawn and stretches her limbs as she steps further into the dim lit warm cabin. Hira locks the door behind them and places her belongings on a nearby sofa as she looks around the well decorated cabin. Her mouth becomes ajar at the beauty of it. Seconds later her heart flutters, tears begin to fill her eyes but she quickly blinks them away before they get the chance to fall.

"Ash-Leigh." She speaks, searching the living room for Ash-Leigh. When she does not get a response she walks further in the cabin, peaking her head around the corner. "Ash!" She calls once again, now walking down the narrow hallway. She stops when she reaches the door to the right of her then knocks. "Ash-Leigh." She says again.

"What?" The door slowly opens, revealing Ash-Leigh who was in the middle of changing. Hira stands silently and watches her slip out of her clothes, admiring her tattoos. Some that were her personal favorite like the Caroline tattoo on the back of her forearm along with the more recent ones she had to get a accustomed to. "Why didn't Constance come?" She questions as she steps further into her bedroom.

"She knows that you don't like her so she went to Vegas to visit family."  She says nonchalantly as she unpacks her clothes knowing that if she didn't do it now she'd spend the next three weeks swapping the same three outfits she had in her carry on bag

"W-what? Who said that I didn't like her?" Hira questions, resting her hands on her hips as her eyes follow Ash-Leigh around her room.

"You did when you snapped at her at your birthday dinner which was pretty fucked up." Ash-Leigh states as she walks over to her closet. She begins to hang each item of clothing up while Hira stands back and just watches, not knowing what exactly to say since what was said was true. She did feel some type of way about Constance's presence but thought that she'd do a good job at hiding it only to turn around and put it on full display for all to see.

"She was the one who came up with the idea anyway. Spent three days planning it too." Ash-Leigh speaks as she walks back over to her bed.

"Are you trying to make me feel bad?" Hira questions, taking a seat at the vanity on the far side of Ash-Leigh's room.

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