chapter seven

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March 2019

Hira releases a sigh then closes the book in her hands. She looks down at her two girls who had fallen asleep in the middle of watching Brave; a movie the three of them could not get enough of. After their homework and bath the three of them decided to watch the movie and wait up until Taylor returned home from work but from the looks, sleep was more important to the two preschoolers. Hira looks over at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room for the time. It was barely past seven p.m meaning that at any minute her husband would walk through the front door which was perfect since Hira had scheduled a small dinner with her older sister; Hallie. She was back in town for just a few days and wanted to catch up before heading back home to Denver.

Hira turns her head towards the front door when she hears it unlock. "Hey baby." She says in a whisper, trying her best not to wake her girls. "Are the girls asleep?" Taylor questions as he shuts the door behind him. Hira nods and looks down at the both of them then back at her husband. "Yeah. They look so peaceful when they're asleep after terrorizing the house for hours on end." She laughs lightly, trying her best to get up from the couch without waking them.

"Let's get them to bed." He states, pushing the sleeves of his button down up. Hira nods and picks up Skyla while Taylor gets Kinsley. The married couple slowly head upstairs, trying their best not to interrupt their four year olds well needed sleep. "I already gave them their baths and fed them dinner so they're good." Hira whispers as she lays Skyla down in her bed. She gives her a kiss on the cheek then steps out, following Taylor down the hall to Kinsley's bedroom.

"How were they today?" Taylor inquires, laying Kinsley in her bed before stepping out in the hall with Hira. "Great, we finished homework a little after we got home. Picked out their school clothes then took a bath and lastly, watched Brave." She lists off as they walk down the hall towards their bedroom. Taylor steps into the bathroom while Hira wanders over to their walk in closest in search of an outfit to wear. "Also," she calls it, poking her head out of their closet and briefly meeting Taylor's brown eyes. "They have a dentist appointment next Wednesday." She reminds him being that she would be working late that day.

"What time?" he asks, stepping out of the bathroom. "One o'clock so you'll have to pull them out of class early. I tried finding a later time but I couldn't." She states, disappearing back in their closet.

"That's fine. I can leave work a little early. You headed out?" He questions, sitting on her side of the bed, watching her skim through her clothes.

"Yeah, Hallie is back in town and she wants to meet up for dinner." She replies as she steps out with an outfit in hand. "Should I wear this?" She questions, placing the nice navy blue satin dress against her body. Taylor slowly looks up from his phone and smiles at his wife. "Baby you know every outfit you wear looks damn good." He smiles, licking over his lips. Hira smiles at his compliment and leans in for a quick kiss. "You know you say that every-time I need help finding something to wear." She points out as she disappears into the closet once again for another outfit she had in mind.

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