chapter seventeen

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July 2019

Constance shields her eyes from the bright sun while following Cheri through the busy shopping center. After taking Ash-Leigh up on her offer for lunch she brought Cheri along to help her pick out Ash-Leigh's birthday gift.

"Don't you think that she should pick out her own birthday outfit?" Constance questions as the two interlock their fingers. Cheri shrugs her shoulders and pulls her phone out to answer it. "Hey baby." She smiles wide and turns her phone towards Constance.

"Hii Maurice." She smiles with a wave. "Thanks for snitching on me to your sister." She adds, giving him the middle finger.

Maurice chuckles lightly, "I wouldn't necessarily say that I snitched. I just gave her a heads up." He tries to explain only for Constance to shake her head. "No, no you snitched my boy." She responds, stepping aside for the older couple passing by.

"Me snitching would be telling her that you're taking her to Pulua Tioman for five days. With a perfect dinner set up for her too. Now that would be me snitching." Constance's mouth falls open, her hazel eyes meet Cheri's dark brown ones. "Damn Cheri you just said copy and paste huh, you better not say a word either, keep it a surprise." She points to Maurice who lets out an over the top exaggerated laugh before disconnecting the call in a hurry.

"I know who not to tell my business to. You might as well give him my SSN." She jokes.

"I'm sorry, girl. He's been helping me piece together the trip. How was I supposed to know that he was that loose at the lips." She expresses, eyes wondering around fashion district of Tokyo, searching for Ash-Leigh's birthday outfit. Jayde and Elijah had already picked out their birthday gifts, Elijah specifically had Ash-Leigh's gift tucked away in the back of his closet since mid February.

"I think she should pick out her own outfit. If I pick something that she doesn't like I don't want her to spend her special day in an ugly outfit. Have her feeling like she has to wear the ugly Christmas sweater her grandma gave her." The two women erupt into laughter as Constance grabs Cheri's arm, pulling her into one of the jewelry stores. "So jewelry instead?" Cheri inquires as they walk through the store. Constance nods while searching for the perfect piece of jewelry.

"Ash does love a good watch, how about that?" Cheri suggests just as they approach the case filled with various watches.

"Hmm, yeah you can't go wrong with a watch." Constance utters to herself.

"Nope you sure can't." Cheri exclaims as she begins to look at the watches too, hoping that she could be some form of help with picking out the best one suited for her close friend.

Constance takes her time, looking over the watches. Searching high and low for the one that not only caught her eye but also something she could see her gorgeous girlfriend wearing. "I want a neutral color, one she could wear with anything." She voices, eyes still sorting through the expensive jewelry.

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