chapter sixteen

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Ash-Leigh Badu

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Ash-Leigh Badu

"Baby come help me with this." I hear my girlfriend say as I try to make my way out of our crowded bedroom, nearly buried in boxes taller that me. "Where are you?" I call out, walking through the maze of our living room that was hidden behind boxes.

"Where are you?" I utter. Seconds later, Constance appears from behind the boxes with a larger one in her hand, containing most of me filming equipment. "I can't even hold that shit up on my own, what are you doing?" I laugh while I help her move it to the furthest end of the living room.

"How about we start with our bedroom." I suggest, looking around at all it was we still had to unpack and put away. So far we had unpacked our kitchen and guest room. That alone took the two of us two days to do with me drowning in work.

"We still have to wait for our bed to come in." She exhales, placing her hands on her hips. I nod forgetting the bed frame I ordered was coming from France meaning it would take weeks to receive. "Okay then what do you want to start with?" I question, looking around our surroundings.

"I want to sleep." She tells me as her hazel green eyes meet mine. "In our bed though not the couch." She adds, pulling her wild curls up in a ponytail. "Also, why does it take so much energy to unpack? The movers should be paid to do that too."  She says with a hint of sarcasm.

"Hell I don't know. That's just more money out of our pocket." I state as I follow her down the hallway to our guest room. She plops down on the bed, burying her face in the thick blankets, "Join me." She insists, reaching for my hand. I gladly join her and pull her close to me, inhaling the strong scent of honeysuckle.

"I can't believe it took us three days just to organize some dishes,how long will it take to unpack the whole house?" She asks, gazing into my eyes.

"Not too long, hopefully." I say as I yawn myself, feeling sleep slowly creep up on me. I swear moving really is tiring even if you're not the one doing al the heavy work. Moving locations alone will have you feeling like you just ran five miles nonstop and no one offered you any water. "We really just need to figure out how we want to set the living room up. Can't decide if I want the couch facing the window or the kitchen." I mumble as I nuzzle my face in her neck and get lost in her honeysuckle scented golden curls.

We lay in a peaceful silence as her fingers run through my hair, sending me into a trance until her soft voice pulls me back into our reality. "Hmm?" I lift my head and look into her alluring eyes. "I'm a little nervous about this move." She says, nervousness evident in her voice.

"I mean I'm glad we did it but I've never lived with my significant other and it's just so different." I nod in agreement. I was still getting used to waking up every morning to the same face each day and now relocating and picking out a place the both of us would be comfortable in is a stepping stone for me. I've never had to answer to anyone when it came to my career choices and now I am.

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