chapter eight

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April 2019

"Relax babe." Ash-Leigh tells her girlfriend, flashing an amiable smile before fixating her eyes back on the road. Constance turns to Ash-Leigh and takes her hand into hers. "My family is ghetto okay you have no reason to be worried, trust me." Ash-Leigh assures her as she stops at a stop light. Constance smiles and nods, rubbing the back of her hand with her thumb as her eyes shift.

"I'm sure they will but my tummy over here doing backflips and I'm close to throwing up my breakfast." She expresses, now fanning herself. Ash-Leigh looks back and forth between her and the road, debating on canceling today and maybe, introducing Constance at a later time.

"We can reschedule, try this some other time." She throws out there however, Constance refuses. She pushes her long amber locs over she shoulder and turns to Ash-Leigh. "No you went all out of your way for this. I want to meet them." She assures her. Despite the two of them  being official for just a little over two months the both of them were all in. Constance was ready to meet her family, what she was not ready for was the possibility of no one liking her especially with her career of choice. Constance had no problem with the life she lived and how she lived it, her only issue was the way people treated her because of it and that's what she was worried about the most.

She was worried that Ash-Leigh's family would be just a little bit too conservative and expect all these things from her that she knew she could not live up to; the last thing she wanted was to disappoint them in any way. "Okay we're here." Ash-Leigh smiles, pulling into her older brother's driveway. She shuts the engine off and turns towards her girlfriend with a smile on her face. "My younger brother will loveee you, this is something I know." She assures her.

"What about your older brother?" Constance questions, looking at the house in front of them. "No one really cares about what Taylor thinks." Ash-Leigh laughs lightly as she gets out and walks over to Constance's side of the car. She opens the door and helps her out before reaching into the backseat for the thoughtful gifts Constance had brought along.

"Thanks babe." Constance's smiles, taking the bag out of her hand just as the front door opens, revealing Maurice who had his two year old son with him. "You made it!" He yells extending his arms for a hug as Ash-Leigh runs to him. "I'm glad too, you left me with these boring ass old folks." He jokes referring to Taylor and Hira.

"Says the nigga with two baby mamas at what, twenty one." Taylor retorts, stepping into view with his wife not too far behind him.

Maurice looks over his shoulder at Taylor and shakes his head before directing his attention back to Ash-Leigh "My kids are well taken care of so who gives a damn." Maurice snaps back, stepping out of the way.

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