chapter thirteen

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Hira's dark brown eyes follow Ash-Leigh around the jet, watching her place one of her bags in the over head storage while the flight attendant comes with two more suitcases. "I hate this." Hira vocalizes once Ash-Leigh finally takes the seat beside her. Ash-Leigh nods and exhales before shifting her brown eyes to her lover. "Me too don't remind me about it, please." she states, adjusting the snapback that was hiding her thick curls as she closes her eyes.

Hira bites the inside of her check and looks out the window at the roadway then ahead at the mountains, a little bit snow still covering the top of them. "Thank you for this trip, I needed it." She smiles, reaching for Ash-Leigh's hand.

Ash-Leigh sighs and interlocks their fingers, "You're welcome, baby luv." She says with a release of a breath, sitting up to place a kiss on the crown of Hira's head before closing her eyes once more.  She begins to play with the ends of her hair as a way to occupy herself for the two hour flight since sleep was the last thing on her mind.

"You know," Ash-Leigh shifts a bit in her seat then lifts her snapback, revealing her brown eyes that briefly scan Hira's body. "I was thinking we take another trip in three months or so. Give you time to enjoy your anniversary and get the girls back in school." She states, gently pulling Hira close to her. She presses her lips against her temple then looks down at her, awaiting her reply.

"I'm going to say yes for now..." Hira trails off, breaking eye contact.  "But if anything changes from now until then I'll let you know."

"Fair enough, I was thinking.... You've never got to see the hills of Japan. The country itself is beautiful; there's more beauty outside of Tokyo." Ash-Leigh states as she pulls Hira into her lap, allowing her to straddle her.

"Hmm Japan does look nice." Hira admits as her hands rest on Ash-Leigh's shoulders. "We'd have to reduce our time to two weeks, these three weeks took a toll on me and I'd be lying if I said it's not going to be hard for me to just fall back into my normal life." She reminds her.

"Who are you telling." Ash-Leigh laughs and takes a handful of Hira's ass into her hands. "Do you know how hard it's going to be for me not to touch you whenever I please let alone see you. Baby I'm going to have withdrawals like crazy."  Hira laughs and loosely wraps her arms  around Ash-Leigh's neck. She leans forward and kisses her then removes her snapback, watching her hair fall into its own place, a few thick curls in her face; preventing Hira from looking into her eyes.

She pushes her hair back and stares at Ash-Leigh, truly getting lost in the beauty that was her. "I should've chose you the first chance I got." She admits, twirling one of her curls around her index finger.  "No one told you to lie to yourself until it was too late but I should've made it clear that I wanted you, we both should've fought more for one another." Ash-Leigh sighs and looks at Hira as she fights her tears.

" I agree." Hira utters as her teeth sink into her bottom lip.

"Do you think Hallie is going to go run her mouth about Aspen?" Ash-Leigh questions with an arched brow. She had no problem if Hallie did exactly that but she'd like to at least have a heads up just in case landing in La meant that she was walking into a warzone.

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