chapter two

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The constant ringing of her cellphone, along with the Vegas sunlight seeping through the heavy cream colored curtains of the quiet suite interrupt Ash-Leigh's well needed sleep. After meeting up with Maurice the night before at the restaurant, she couldn't help but to go to one last strip club and celebrate the new year with her partner in crime. She had no plans of getting blacked out drunk either but, shit happens.

Ash-Leigh rolls over on her back and stares up at the ceiling, trying to wake herself as best as she could before reaching for her cellphone. She combs her fingers through her curly hair and answers, ignoring the fact that it was a FaceTime call. "You look a hot mess." Her older brother; Taylor laughs as he takes in her image. She yawns, ignoring his statement completely then begins to look around her room as an attempt to remember what exactly happened after leaving the strip club. The mess was an indication that there had to be somewhat of an after party due to the various items of clothing scattered along the carpet floors as well as the half naked body laying beside her.

"What's up Taylor?" She voices while lifting the blanket to see who exactly was under it. Once she realizes that it was Vanilla from last night she exhales and tosses the blankets back only to pull them back over her body, up to her chin when the chilling morning air hits her exposed skin. "Maurice said that you were back for a few days." Taylor states while messing with his grown out hair. Ash-Leigh nods and rubs her throbbing head, releasing a low groan before looking back at Taylor.

"Yeah he surprised me last night and I think, we went to a club to celebrate after dinner." She utters not too sure of herself since her memory from the night before was fuzzy. "I'm headed back to Japan tomorrow morning though so I'm just tying up a few loose ends here." She adds, looking over at Vanilla who was still sound asleep. Taylor exhales and nods then runs his hand down his tired face. "Did he tell you that Aunt Ada passed away?"

"Huh?" Ash-Leigh tosses the blanket back and makes her way towards the bathroom. She closes the door and locks it behind her then pulls herself onto the cold marble countertop."No he didn't, what happened?" Tears immediately begin to fill her brown eyes at the thought of her favorite aunt. It's quiet for a few seconds until the sound of Taylor clearing his throat echos throughout her spacious bathroom. "I-I'm not too sure, cousin Amara called last night and just told us, she said that she'd keep me updated. They plan on having her service next weekend." Ash-Leigh nods and disregards her fallen tears while forcing the lump in her throat back down.

"Is it okay if I c-call you back?" Taylor furrows his thick brows but slowly nods and without a question, Ash-Leigh ends the call. She hops off the counter, grabs her toothbrush and begins with her morning routine however, the faint knocks on the bathroom door stop her from going any further. She cuts the sink off, opens the door and is greeted by a sleepy Vanilla. "Good morning." She smiles as she enters. Ash-Leigh steps aside and goes back to brushing her teeth while Vanilla steps out of her panties and prepares for her shower.

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