chapter five

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Ash-Leigh Badu

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Ash-Leigh Badu

I shield my eyes from the sun and pull into the parking lot then take my phone out. I had intended to arrive with Maurice and Wynter like we talked about earlier but, I had an early morning appointment with Hira that I just could not miss out on.

After yesterday I just might rethink my stay here.

Not really, I miss my studio apartment and my kittens. I'd give anything to be cuddled up with them in front of my computer, editing a film while the sweet sound of Sade lingers through my airy home. I could also really use a nice bowl of miso soup with some wine and a slice of cheese cake on the side. I've yet to taste any cheese cake as the ones back home.

"Alright." I exhale and look into in my review mirror. I left in such a rush that I couldn't even make sure that my makeup was to my liking. I got a damn lash on the verge of falling off but that's nothing a pair of sun glasses can't fix. I grab a pair out of my center console then text Maurice to let him know that I was here.

My phone rings seconds later and of course it's him. "You better be here." I say as I answer, looking around the parking lot. "We had to get Wesley first!" I hear Wynter yell in the background followed by Maurice telling her to sit back in her seat.

"I just pulled up where did you park?" He asks me.

I remove my keys from the ignition then hop out, "I parked at the end of lot B, it's not too crowded down here and it's close to the entrance." I explain, getting my jacket from the backseat. I then lock my car and just in time. Maurice pulls up right beside me. "Where the hell did you go this morning. I woke up and you were already gone?" He asks me as he helps Wesley out of his booster seat then Wynter. "You missed breakfast too my daddy made waffles then we had to get Wesley. That took us forever." Maurice smacks his lips and looks down at Wynter. She shrugs her shoulders and grabs her small pink backpack while Maurice pulls a stroller out of his trunk.

"My daddy says I talk a lot but I don't think I do." I laugh because she does but I don't mind it. I love it actually because she says what she thinks without a care in the world and kids like that are so cool to me. "Wynter be quiet and help me strap your brother in." Maurice tells her just as Taylor comes walking over with the girls and Hira. "Wassup bro." He greets, dabbing Maurice up. I walk over to him and give him a hug.

I try to pull Hira in for one as well but she just steps aside and grabs the girl's hands instead. The oldest one smiles and looks up at me. "My daddy said you're his little sister, Skyla is my little sister." She tells me, pointing at Skyla.

"We have the same birthday." Skyla replies, placing her hand on her hip. "Yeah but mommy said that I was three minutes older than you, right mommy?" The older one looks up at Hira who nods and starts leading the way to the entrance. I keep my distance knowing that I'd be the one to make things too obvious between us even though she looked like she was faced with death as soon as Taylor opened that door yesterday. She must not care too much since she didn't hesitate to text me at five o'clock this morning for a do over then some.

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